Ezine Publishing Information

Ezine Publishing Information

Your E-zine 13 - A Formatting Checklist

While sending out a text e-zine may seem like a piece of cake, there's more to it than you may think. *Good formatting* is the name of the game.

Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM?

One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person.

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Ezine?

There are two reasons to publish an ezine. 1.

How To Write Powerful Newsletters, Offline And Online

The theory of writing for newsletters is very similar to that of writing for press releases and other media work, but with newsletters there is one crucial difference. Whereas with an external publication you're quality-controlled by someone outside your organization (the publication's editor) who is therefore independent and autonomous, the equivalent person connected with an internally produced newsletter is either you, or someone else who gets paid by your organization.

What Makes An Ezine Worth Reading?

What makes your ezine hot stuff? With literally thousands ofezines online today, how can yours stand out or is it doomed tostay in the junk mail folders??The first thing to think about is, what is your ezine about? Doyou have a clue? If you don't know then you can bet a milliondollars that your readers haven't the slightest idea what youare talking about.Define what your purpose is in the first place.

Email Filters Catch Dolphins Along With Sharks

What's the point in spending hours preparing a newsletter, message or report if it's automatically filtered into the junk folder before the recipient even sees it? Spam threatens to choke the communication channels promising global freedom of expression. Internet Service Providers (ISPs), corporate server administrators and end users are increasingly using new anti-spam technology to try to stem the relentless tide of junk email flooding the Net.

The Nitty-Gritty Of Ezine Publishing

I sat here this morning, and decided to work out exactly how much time I use on creating my weekly ezine, and I almost kinda shocked myself. I`m not the ONLY publisher who refuses to automate, so please, after reading my hours, spare a kind thought for all those other publishers out there that do everything manually, and who really take the time to get down to a personal level with their subscribers.

Write an Ezine? But I Dont Know HOW!

If you've been promoting your business on the internet you've probably heard how important it is to have a list. And that it's also important to publish an ezine.

The Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base

1. Give Incentives Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine.

Are We Dating or Married?

You've convinced me that I want to sign up for your newsletter. Now that I'm ready, what do I do? I go to thesignup box on the current web page and complete the form.

Writing, Publishing, Self Publishing, Website Promotion, Blogging, Internet Marketing

Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution?Writing has traditionally been considered a solitary craft.You wrote you article or book in seclusion.

5 Ways to Make More Money With Your E-zine

Have you been publishing an e-mail newsletter for at least six months but still aren't seeing real results (read: revenue) from it? Don't fret - you may just need a tune up. Here are five ways to kick your e-zine income into gear this year: TOOT YOUR OWN HORN MORE The adage goes, "If you don't blow your own horn, someone else will use it as a spittoon.

7 Ways to Self-Promote Within Your E-zine

We all know that an e-zine won't attract and keep subscribers without offering insightful, practical content. If you only drone on and on about how wonderful you and your services/products are, your readers won't stick around for long.

21 Questions to Ask Any List Service Before You Sign on With Them

If you publish an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine," you'll need to sign on with a list service (or "listserve") to manage your subscriber list. There are many types of listserves out there, so here are some guidelines to help you choose one that's right for you.

Are Your E-Mails Bouncing? Hard Bounces, Soft Bounces, and Everything in Between

Are you doing "the bounce"? No, it's not a new hip-hop dance. A bounce, or bounce-back, is an e-mail that is returned to you because it cannot be delivered for some reason.

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