Ezine Publishing Information

Ezine Publishing Information

Why Arent You Writing Ezine Articles?

I'm amazed!Everywhere I go on the Web, people are desperately searching for ways to get more traffic to their websites. Some will even pay hundreds of dollars for an Express Listing in Yahoo.

Are You Wasting Your Time With Free Ezine Ads?

There are lots of ezines (newsletters) out there that offer free classified ads to new subscribers (and many even offer free ads on an ongoing basis).This can be a nice little source of free traffic and exposure for your website/ebook/ezine but, if not handled properly it can have its downside.

7 Steps to Successful Publishing

The decision to publish a book is very exciting! It causes the creative juices to flow and the eyes to light up. But wait - before you begin the publishing process, know about the seven most important steps you need to know before publishing your book.

9 Rock Solid Ways To Explode Your E-Zines Readership!

Are you like most of us who created an E-Zine. You heard how great it would be for your business and that an unlimited amount of new subscribers and traffic would come marching to your website.

A Newsletter Publishers Main Task: Packaging Value Content

The main task of a newsletter publisher is to select and package quality content of direct, practical relevance to its specific readership audience.This might sound quick and easy, but it is not.

Ezines VS. Trade Journals

As many people know Industry Trade Journals in America have gone through a tough time in recent years due to slowing of advertising dollars. In many industries this is the case.

Understanding Ezine Publishing!

I can remember my first reaction to word "ezine". What is it? The word "ezine", (pronounced ee-zeen), is a shortened version of "electronic zine", which is a word used to describe short self-published "electronic magazines".

10 Winning Ezine Publishing Tips

1. Share your personality with your subscribers.

Ezines, Ezines Everywhere!

There are literally thousands of ezines being published online these days. Sometimes it is hard to know which ones are best for advertising in, reading, subscribing to and so on.

The Number One Tried and Tested Method For Exploding Your Ezine Subscriptions

We all know how cagey and stubborn prospects can be and we know that only a tiny percentage will buy our products the first time they see them. We all know that the only way to convince savvy prospects to buy is by building trust with them and that the single most effective way of building trust is by getting our visitors to subscribe to our newsletters.

Three Breathing Techniques For Any Ezine Article

I subscribed myself to many ezines. I'd love to read articles in them.

Does Your Ezine Publisher Try To Rape Your Pocket?

If you have been online for a while, one of the most well know ways of selling online is to build an optin email list or ezine. So now there are thousands of email ezines on just about every possible topic.

Create An Ezine To Get People Back To Your Site

I know you've worked hard on your website. I know it looks pretty good - in fact, it's fantastic.

Publishing Special Reports And Ebooks At No Cost

So you'd like to start publishing special reports and ebooks to use as marketing tools and to sell as products. But you have no budget to get this new venture going.

What Ive Learned From My Subscribers

As editor/publisher of Book Promotion Newsletter, I am fortunate in having an eclectic group of subscribers who number in the thousands. The ezine is interactive and subscribers are encouraged to share their innovative marketing techniques.

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