Hardware Information

USB Key Drives - Useful Tool

There are many different names for these drives, just so we are all on the same wavelength about what I'm talking about, here are a few of the other names:

USB Key Drives, Thumb Drive, USB Pen, Key Drive, Microdrive, Flash Drive.

These drives, regardless of what you call them, are an extremely handy tool for anyone who uses computers at different locations. USB drives are great because they are very small, and fit in your pocket, necklace, or keychain. They give you anywhere from 32 MB to 4 GB in storage, and require no software! You just plug it in to the USB port on a computer and boom, instance storage and transfer device.

These drives save you a lot of time and money. It's a quick way to transfer personal documents, projects, pictures from home to the office and reduces the waste of burning CD's, or using diskettes. We moved away from the paper based office to the electronic office, now we are enhancing that more, my using reusable data transfer devices with much higher capacity and life span.

USB drives provide a quick transfer between your devices, you don't need to waste money on blank CD's, DVD's, Diskettes, you just transfer it over, probably much faster than you could burn a CD, and you are good to go!

These drives give us a low cost, environmentally friendly, high capacity, fast, and cross platform compatible device. With all these great reasons for having one, I can't see why more people don't use them! The prices are constantly dropping on this form of media and almost every computer used today supports USB devices.

By the way, did I mention they look cool?

Ken Dennishttp://KenDennis-RSS.homeip.net/


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