Hardware Information

Hardware Information

When Good Color Goes Bad...

Even with the popularity of digital technology, and the availability of equipment and software associated with it, many printing firms are still slow to make the changes needed to upgrade their business. More so when it comes to digital photography.

The Merging of Humans and Computers

Soon the human brain will be completely interfaced with the computer. The benefit to mankind will be truly significant.

Video Display

Video displays are most recent technique used in both outdoor and indoor environments.Video displays are used to display live actions at either sporting event, cultural show, or any industrial event.

Quality Recovery and Rework - When It All Goes Wrong

When Quality is the Target, but not the Result, what do you do?While Quality may be the overarching goal of all production, stuff happens, resulting in non-conforming parts. This results in failure verification, rework, recalls, sorting, kitting, retest, relabeling and pipeline management, which are facts of life in the manufacturing, assembly and production world we live in.

Choosing a Tape Drive

Tape drives remain the leading technology used by organizations for backup and archiving. However, the plethora of tape drives on the market can make choosing the appropriate tape drive a confusing task.

Security Risks and Ways to Decrease Vulnerabilities in a 802.11b Wireless Environment

IntroductionThis document explains topics relating to wireless networks. The main topics discussed include, what type of vulnerabilities exist today in 802.

USB Key Drives - Useful Tool

There are many different names for these drives, just so we are all on the same wavelength about what I'm talking about, here are a few of the other names:USB Key Drives, Thumb Drive, USB Pen, Key Drive, Microdrive, Flash Drive.These drives, regardless of what you call them, are an extremely handy tool for anyone who uses computers at different locations.

Sony vs. Olympus: Digital Voice Recorders

Digital voice recorders have become increasingly popular over the last few years, as they offer a relatively cheap and reliable alternative to older cassette voice recorders. Digital voice recorders use memory - much like the memory used in your personal pc - to record sound, rather than tape cassettes.

10 Things to Ponder Before Moving Your Office Network

Moving the office network? How hard could it be? Anybody who's ever moved the office network knows the risks and challenges associated with this colossal task. This mighty endeavour is not merely a case of logging-off, shutting down and pulling the plug.

Computer Cooling Hardware

PC cooling systems are one of the hottest - and coolest - computer hardware accessories avaliable. Most computers, however, still do not come with a cooling system more advanced than the typical heat sink and cpu fan.

Intel Celeron vs Pentium

The Celeron and Pentium Processors are two of Intel's best selling CPUs. They are found in a majority of home computer systems.

Preventing Tape Drive Failure

Contrary to popular belief, tape drives are generally robust and reliable. However, there are three common mistakes that people make that dramatically increase the probability of tape drive failure.

How To Backup Your Hard Drive

We all know that we should back up our system as soon as possible. But if you're like most of us, you will get to it tomorrow.

Used Laptop Computer: Your Quick Purchase Inspection Guide - Part 1

Used laptop computers are everywhere these days. How can you sift through the mass of available used laptop computers to narrow your search down to the right laptop for you? Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind.

Used Laptop Computer: Your Quick Purchase Inspection Guide - Part 2

Used laptop computers are everywhere these days. How can you sift through the mass of available used laptop computers to narrow your search down to the right laptop for you? This is the second part of a series of articles designed to give you a few suggestions for your next purchase.

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