Internet Marketing Information

The Yin & Yang of Internet Marketing

Westerners believe opposites flow in a natural cycle always replacing the other. They tend to look at things as black or white, right or wrong, up or down, giving a separation and unrelated-ness in their perspective.

Chinese view opposites as evolving and cycling. There is neither right nor wrong, but rather there is balance, transformation, interaction and a dependent opposition. Think of it as a duality that cannot exist without both parts.

Now let's apply this theory to Internet Marketing. When I first came online I subscribed to many Ezines and Newsletters and didn't always pay attention to the ads, but I did read the articles and editorials. They were my "information hotlines" and why I subscribed in the first place.

It wasn't long before I discovered ezine article submissions. Here then is the Yin & Yang of Internet Marketing: all publications need content --- all content (articles) need publishers. Now I could put the two together in a duality that could not exist without both parts.

So I began to write articles and submit them to various publications. Every article contains a short bio of the author and their business. It also includes a website and email address. What a great way to promote! I began getting more visits to my website and more subscribers to my Newsletter. This became a chain reaction with every new article and every new submission.

But more importantly, the visitors to my website were qualified leads already interested in the subject material of my article. How did this happen? Because my article was chosen by John Doe, publisher after determining that it matched his target market! Auto dealers don't look for health product articles, right?

When people read a well-written article, they view the author as an expert. Publishers looking for content are no different. Many do not have the time or inclination to write, but they want to publish an expert, not a nobody.

Start putting your website in front of thousands of qualified customers today. You can have:

  • infinite promotion of your program

  • the position of an expert

  • link popularity

  • free ad

  • more subscribers

C'mon. Try it. Write now.

© 2004 Esther Smith

About The Author

Esther Smith is editor of Partners-For-Profit Newsletter and copywriter for The Permanent Venture. Each publication of PFP get a weekly diet of marketing and advertising reports, free bonuses, ad space and resources for all their Internet needs.

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