Internet Marketing Information

Five Simple Steps To Make Money Online This New Year

Most people in a new year make resolutions to make more money and attempt to make money online. However it is also true that a vast majority of people fail to actually make money online. Why is this? Most people in their haste and enthusiasm to make money online go all out and attempt to "try their luck" and go around purchasing advertising to promote and try to sell whatever affiliate program or home based business opportunity that they have with no results to show for it. So not only are they not making money, they are losing money online.

How then can you make money online with any business? While many people tend to try to complicate our lives, this article shows you two steps that you can take today to increase the success of your online business and make youmoney online.

Step One: Anyone trying to make money online is trying to sell something. Spend some time writing down who you think your target market is. Many people spend countless hours thinking about the wrong things, like how many people can I get to visit my website and then how many projected salesyou can get. People love to tell you that the internet conversion ratio is about 1% so that out of 100 people visiting your website, you will get one signup or sale. I would say quit believing in numbers. That is putting the cart before the horse. Your conversion ratio will increase once you get targeted visitors to your website. By writing down exactly who you want to target to visit your website, you will know what articles, and what tone of writing your website should take and therefore once the visitor visits your website, he should find what they are looking for and you make money when they either signup or purchase something from your website.

Therefore, when doing online advertisement once you gave analyzed what is your target audience, you can then go to places where your target audience would visit and your conversion ratios will increase. For instance if my website was selling baby shoes, when placing an onlineadvertisement, I would target the specific audience that I was looking for and place an advertisement in an ezine that targets moms. Spend time writing down who you think your customers will be and then place your advertisement accordingly with the right language that motivates your customers in the right way and you will make money.

Step Two: Next develop a method to track how your ads are doing. Once you can track where your hits are coming from, you can then write down what ads are working and spend more of your monthly advertising dollar there and thereafter makemore money from increased online sales. This is also what people deem by calculating the return on investment for any advertising campaign.

How is this done? Here is the simplest way you can do it for free no matter what you are selling online. Go to one of those free webhosts online and open a free website account. Get a webhost with an easy webpage builder that has theability to add a simple html code to your main page.

A good webhost I would recommend is:

Step Three: After signing up for your web host, now go to and then open a new account. Login and explore your account and look for the part which gives you the code to add to your website. Now leave that page open and go to the next step.

Step Four: Now go to the web host mentioned above and use the web site creation utility and then create a simple page. Now leaving the page creation utility open, copy the code into the page you are creating.

Step Five: Now we want to copy a simple redirect script into the page that you created. This means that any page that looks for the page you created will be redirected to the target website that you are advertising so your customer would not know that your page is redirecting.

Change the url below to the target page and this can be either a sales page or a business opportunity page.

Let us summarize what you have done with your simple webpage. You have created a simple web page with a Java Redirect Script and a Statcounter to track where your hits to your target website are and now you can place your targeted online advertisements and track them to see whichads are getting your sales and therefore make better use of your advertising dollar to make more money online in whatever business you are in.

Spend some time every month doing some small changes to track your online sales and tweak and test, test and test until you get the sales copy that pulls the best online and then stick to it and advertise in the place that gives you the best return on your investment. Making money on theinternet is thus a highly disciplined process where you test and refine your online advertising campaigns to yield you the best return on investment.

In conclusion, to make money online, you need to focus on your target audience, write ads that meet the needs of your target audience, track the outcome of your ads and constantly make small changes to your advertising copy until you get the best result. Take massive action today in measured steps and you will see that you will start makingmoney from the internet.

By Joel Teo 2005 All Rights Reserved Globally

Joel Teo is a work at home business owner and runs the highly successful work at home business opportunity websites and money making.

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