Site Promotion Information

Website Promotion: 10 Ingenious Ways To Defeat Your Competition

Business is war.

To get to the top, you must fight not only to survive but to rise above your competitors.

Here are 10 ingenious website promotion tactics to help you succeed:

1. Offer free original content. It's important to giveyour visitors information they can't find anywhereelse. If you're the only source, they'll visit your site.

2. Give people free software. Most people like tofind good deals on software for their computers. Ifthe software is free, that is even better.

3. Hold free contests or sweepstakes. Most peoplelike to win things. If you can fulfill that need, peoplewill stop by to visit.

4. Provide a free web directory. Create a directoryof web sites on a popular topic that will attract yourtarget audience.

5. Offer a free e-zine. Most people love to get freeinformation that's e-mailed to them regularly. Thissaves them time and money.

6. Make your web site look professional. You wantto have your own domain name, easy navigation,attractive graphics, etc.

7. Let people read your ad before they get to yourfreebie. When you use free stuff to lure people toyour web site list it below your ad copy.

8. Attract the target audience that would buy yourproduct or service. A simple way to do this is tosurvey your existing customers.

9. Test and improve your ad copy. There are manypeople who write an ad and never change it. Makesure you get the highest possible response rate.

10. Give people an urgency so they buy now. Manypeople are interested in your product but they putoff buying it until later and eventually forget about it.

May these website promotion secrets help you to makea lot of money and succeed


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