Site Promotion Information

Website Promotion: 10 Reasons Why People Dont Visit Your Web Site

If you are not getting traffic at your website and wondering what is the problem, here are a few reasons:

1. You don't offer free original content. It's importantto give your visitors information they can't find any-where else. If you're the only source for a certain typeof information, people will flock to your web site.

2. You don't offer free software. Most people liketo find good deals on software for their computers. Ifthe software is free, that is even better.

3. You don't offer a free contest or sweepstakes. It'sa fact, people like to win things. If you can fulfill thatneed, people will stop by to visit.

4. You don't offer a free directory. Create a directoryof web sites on a particular topic that is related to yourtarget audience. People will visit because they will findwhat they're looking for, all in one place.

5. You don't offer a free e-zine. Most people love toget free information that they're interested in emailedto them on a regular basis. This saves them time andmoney.

6. You don't offer a free community. People like tohave a place were they can have discussions withothers on a particular subject. You could add a chatroom or message board to your web site.

7. You don't offer a free affiliate program. One ofpeople's basic needs to survive is money. When youoffer them a free opportunity to make money they'llline up to visit your web site.

8. You don't offer a free online utility. When you offera utility that can solve a problem, people will visit yourweb site. The utility could be a free autoresponder,e-mail account, search engine submission, etc.

9. You don't offer free current information. Supplynews stories related to your web site. People wantup-to-date news on the topics they are interested in.They will also be interested in visiting your web site.

10. You don't offer free samples of your productor service. Have you ever been to a store and youjumped at the chance to get a free sample of food?This same concept will also attract people to visityour web site.

May these website promotion secrets help you to makea lot of money and succeed.


I-key Benney, CEO

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