Traffic Building Information

Increase Online Traffic with Directory Listings

Some of the best advertising available online would be getting listed in directories. This doesn't mean submitting to search engines. If you write quality ad copies and build a quality site; the important search engines will find you.

What I am talking about is directories that you pay to be listed in. With these types of directories you pay to be listed in for a certain about of time. Some are weekly, monthly, yearly and even lifetime listings. This is also an excellent way to get those 'back links' to help you rank better in search engines.

It is a proven fact that 'back links' help increase online traffic. But, the back links that are most effective are links to your website without a return link. Take Link Exchanges for example. With Link Exchanges you request one website owner to place a link to your website on their site with a link on your website to their in return. These are effective however, most directory listings that you pay for do not require a link in return and these are a more effective form of backlinks.

Search for directories that best fit the target of your marketing program. Take a look at this list for example. If your target is for small business owners, home business owners and work at home moms then some of those directories may be of interest to you. The key is to find your market and advertise there.

Still looking for more traffic secrets? Aren't we all?!? For even more secrets to Non-Stop, FREE Targeted Traffic, I highly recommend taking a look at author Jim Edwards's book Turn Words Into Traffic. The targeted traffic it brings you is as good or better than anything you could pay for ... except you don't have to pay for it! Check it out; you'll be glad you did ;-).

Don't be too quick to jump at every program available that might help increase your online traffic. Stop by and find out what NOT TO DO too

About the Author
Anita DeFrank a WAHM of two and co-owner of which was created specifically for those in Direct Sales. Do you find yourself asking how to make more sales? The above is only a small taste of the wealth of information available at Stop on in if you're serious about your direct sales company and want to know how you can make more sales.


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