Traffic Building Information

Combine Links with Quality Resources and Youre on a Winner

There are 1001 ways to drive traffic to your websites.

I reckon I've tried most of them over the years and in the process have become blasé over the whole process of traffic promotion - but here's one that surprises even a hardened old cynic like me?

Several months ago I designed a single-page website, launched the creature as a sub-domain and promptly forgot about it. In point of fact it was so absentmindedly conceived that the tag still contains the template reference.

So what happened to it?

Here's what?.it has achieved some amazing rankings.

- Yahoo! # 2 (out of 8,270,000 web pages)

- AltaVista #2

- AllTheWeb #2

What's even better?

I attached my little afterthought single page to two of my prime sites and quality traffic is rocketing to both of them. These sites have always performed well for me but now they're on fire.

1st CREATIVE WRITING COURSE#13 on Yahoo! (out of 8,720,000 web pages) for keyword phrase 'creative writing course'

HOW TO PRODUCTS-XL# 10 on Yahoo! (Out of 706,000,000 - yes, 706 million - web pages)for keyword phrase 'how to products'

What is the secret of the single page winner?

It consists entirely of LINKS to QUALITY RESOURCES with reciprocal arrangements for most.

The trick is to narrow the focus on your niche and link to the cream of the marketplace including some of your competition?

If you visit the website in the resource box and click on RESOURCES you can check out my little one-page monster for yourself - and thereafter do a check on the search engines listed.

Jim Green is a bestselling author with an ever-growing string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit. View his output at


A Guide to Executive Function  Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

DPW Building Fire  Anne Arundel County

Return-to-Office Traffic Reaches Record Level  Commercial Property Executive

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