Traffic Building Information

Keyword Articles: Use Magical Keywords in Your Articles and Get Lots of Traffic

You get a flash of inspiration and an interesting topic for an article comes into your head. Here we go then!

You write the article, and even come up with a 'catchy' title. You post the article on your web site, and even add a link to a product you might sell as an affiliate.

Then you wait for the search engines to bring people to that page... and you wait, and wait. So what's wrong with this scenario?

Your jazzy title has no popular keyword built in. It is too long and will never be searched on in it's entirety, as most key phrases are no longer that 2 or 3 words.

The body of your article probably has no good keywords either, because no one is reaching you from the Search engines.

And if you post your new article to the submission sites to bring you more new traffic, what happens? The same thing.. absolutely nothing! Why.. No popular keywords built into your article.

In other words, your article doesn't get read unless found by browsers who just happen to run into it on your site, or in the article directory where you posted the article. You miss out on all the free traffic provided by search engines.

So what can we do to get that missing traffic back?

The only solution is to write your article with appropriate keywords that get searched on. Let's review where the keywords should be placed in your article.

You need to select the main keyword that matches the theme of your article and placed in these areas:

The Title.
It's really best if your the keyword is part of the title, even if not the complete title. Keywords or key phrases should not be more than 2 or 3 words, and a maximum of 4 words. Your title should be up to 10 words, or even more, if it's to be creative and attract readers.

The Page Name where your article is located on your site.

The Description.
This should start with the same text as the title. Then you can add additional sentences describing the theme of your article. The description is what appears in the search results, so use it to promote your article.

The Header, or Headline. Again, this can be the same as the title.

In the Keyword box
first enter your main keyword followed by a comma. Then add more keywords you plan to use in the article, each followed by a comma.

In the body of the article.
Try to use the keyword in the first 90 characters of your article. Then repeat it 2 to 5 times throughout but not more. Too much is frowned upon by the SE's. It also will not fool intelligent readers, who will reject your work as too obviously sounding like a scam.

Now here is the toughest part, yet the most essential for search engine success. Weave other related keywords into your article as you write it, or when you edit it. This is the Key to more SE hits to your article.. having good keywords placed throughout the article. It's actually better to write your article in your own fashion first. Then go over it and work on the keywords.

It is more important here, than in the keyword box, as the SE's will index your article with the popular keywords you used in the body of your article. I believe they now pay less attention to the keyword box.

Now your next challenge to success is to know how to find the keywords. As I said at the beginning, many, if not most of the titles are written to catch your eye, but have not used good keywords.

Why? Simply because the author did not take the time to check on the popularity of his keywords. If you don't use some that are regularly searched upon, then you will have no visitors finding your article, and your web site.

Your logical course of action is to use a Keyword Research Tool. You simply enter your main keyword you are thinking of using, and you quickly see whether your choice is good or not. Keep trying different choices until you click on the best prospect. Related keywords will also be shown if using the right tool. These are the ones to choose from, and sprinkle 4 or 5 best choices into your article.

Here are just a few Keyword Research Tools available.

The Dowser is the most recent to hit the market. There's a version you can use at NO COST, or you can opt for the Pro version. Download from:

SBI Brainstormer. If your web host and Site Management software is Site Build It! then you have probably the best keyword research tool available. The most recent version to be issued is spectacular. You can read about SBI on my web site at: Yahoo Search (formerly Overture) Keyword Selector Tool gives you the popularity of the keyword you enter.

There are others, but I think you have enough to get the idea. Remember that the purpose of all this is to check the validity of your main keyword, and from that you will get a bonus list of related key phrases to use in your article.

DO take the time to do your research, because it is that important, and the benefits to you will make you a believer. Especially when you start seeing that extra traffic!

Fred Farah
copyright 2005

Fred Farah is a long time business man who is now an affilia lte marketer. Check out the best affiliate products at: Best Affiliate Products

It's all about affiliate marketing to niche markets. Lots to learn from the Niche Madness 7-day eCourse, as well as the Niche Market Strategies newsletter.


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