VOIP Information

VOIP Information

Will the Bell System Survive? A Massive Transfer of Wealth from Bell to VoIP is Underway

Will the Bell System Survive? A Massive Transfer of Wealth from Bell to VoIP Is Underway.The "Internet Revolution" has brought us e-mail, the World Wide Web and quick, convenient ways to communicate that we've come to take for granted.

Get a "Virtual Phone Number" - Eliminate Long Distance Charges with VoIP Phone Service

There's a revolution brewing in the telephone industry. But it's not the recent demise of AT&T or the failure of Worldcom.

Take Your Home or Business Phone With You When You Travel

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone service uses a broadband Internet connection (DSL or cable) instead of the Bell System circuits to carry your voice to any telephone in the world via the Internet. If you're not familiar with VoIP phone service, you'll be interested in this new technology that's giving traditional phone companies a run for their money.

How Much Bandwidth is Required for VoIP Phones?

A long-standing question for potential VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) consumers is "How much bandwidth does a VoIP phone require to make quality telephone calls?"First of all, Bandwidth is defined as the ability to transfer data (such as a VoIP telephone call) from one point to another in a fixed amount of time. The higher the bandwidth speed you have, the more data you can send over your Broadband Internet connection.

Voip - Voice Over IP and Business: Is It For You?

VoIP allows users to make phone calls using their high-speedInternet connection. This translates into free, or very lowcost long-distance calling.

VoIP in the Home

VoIP is set to revolutionise home communications. With VoIP you can make telephone calls over your broadband connection for free! Well in some cases you can, in other cases you might need to pay a monthly subscription to a VoIP service provider.

Should You ,VoIP?

My friend in Florida, Samuel, called me last week and immediately I noticed a difference in the sound quality compared to our usual conversations. At first, I dismissed it, thinking he was calling me from his cell phone.

VoIP Overview

Since we're using computers all the time to do our work, let's make it easy and add the phone to the pile. VoIP also known as (voice over Internet protocol), Internet telephony, IP telephony, and Internet voice is catching on and is expected to grow in the next few years.

The Lowdown on VoIP

It seems like technology is headed for a massive telephone change over. The traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is looking to be replaced by VoIP.

Google Joins the Internet Phone Revolution

Its not so long ago that the idea of free phone calls over the Internet would have been thought an impossibility, but as any knowledgeable user will tell you they are now commonplace. Skype the pioneer and market leader has 51 million users and a great, easy to use software package that allows your computer to make Internet phone calls between subscribers.

Introduction to VoIP

What is VoIP?First things first, VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. At a base level that means phone calls over your broadband connection.

VoIP and 911 Warning

Be leery of your VoIP phone system in case of emergencies. 911 services may not be available to you or will be limited.

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