Web Development Information

Free Webmaster Tools - 7 Things Every Webmaster Needs in Their Toolbox

Webmaster tools are vital to becoming both efficient and effective in your online efforts. The following are my picks for the top types of webmaster tools:

Tool #1 Link Finders

Every webmaster needs this free tool. It will help you find all of the websites that are linking to your page. When you have this information you will know part of the reason why you rank where you do in the search engines and what you need to do about it. This is a great tool to have in your bag and one that will certainly help your online business.

Tool #2 Search Engine Ranking Software

If you are a webmaster then you certainly want to know where your website or websites rank with the major search engines. The best way to get this answer is to use search engine ranking software that will provide you with these results. With this information you will be able to make the necessary changes and stay on top of the SEO world.

Tool #3 Keyword Analyzer

Making your webpage as strong as possible for search engines and rankings requires you have the right keywords and use them at the right frequency. The best way you can find out your list of keywords is to have your product and website analyzed by free keywords analyzer software. There are many free programs online that will help you with the appropriate keywords and report what the keyword density is for each of your webpages.

Tool #4 Website Tools

Maintain your website and perform all the work and changes you need to with free website maintenance tools that you can find online. This is the best way to keep your webpage current and looking professional without spending lots of money.

Tool #5 Meta Tag

Manage your Meta tags with online software that will help you create Meta tags that work effectively. A Meta tag creator is very important because some large, popular search engines still give a lot of weight to Meta tags and if you have done a good job with these and used appropriate keywords then your website will benefit. You can easily find many of these online for free!

Tool #6 Multiple Browsers

Don't make your website look good just through Interent Explorer. It is important to optimize your webpage design for multiple browers such as Opera and Firebird. Online webmasters can use tools to view their webpages in other browsers. By doing this you will know how different browsers display your website and what you need to do, if anything, to make them better.

Tool #7 Link Checker

Make sure all the links on your webstie are valid with a link checker. You do not want to link to bad sites or sites that are no longer in existence, so this is a tool you should utilize on a regular basis. If you have dead links for a long period of time it will not only look bad to your visitors, but search engines may also penalize your site for this.

These tools will help any webmaster improve his site and make it more useful to his visitors.

Michael Turner shows you exactly how to increase web site traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it today at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/


Web Design and Development  Muskegon Community College

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