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Personal Web Hosting - Free Or Cheap?
After you have spent some time and creativity on designing your personal web site now it's time to publish it on the World Wide Web for all to see it. When coming to web hosting, many face the dilemma of choosing between free or paid web hosting. Although the costs associated with paid web hosting is rather small, it's still money. An easy and money free solution might seem to be registering it with a free web-hosting provider. They come in large numbers today and the 10-20 Megs of free personal space they usually offer sounds tempting. Not to mention that some of them even offer POP3 for your e-mail address on their web site or FTP access to your files on the web site. So it looks like all this is building up to become quite an alternative to spending dear money for almost the same thing. I mean paid web hosting for an individual's web site sound a little pretentious, doesn't it? Sure paid web hosting gives some more space, quite a few more features and all that, but do you need them anyway? You probably just need a web server that can feed .HTML and maybe some simple java scripts to your visitor. It's not like you are ever going to need an SQL database, support for .ASP or .PHP. You just want your own web site, not an e-commerce solution or you are ever going to need more than one e-mail address for your own use. A more careful look at the matter is likely to make the right decision easier to take. As a matter of fact, depending on the objectives trusted to your personal web site, the decision between free or cheap almost dictates itself. You should also keep in mind that you actually trusting your virtual image to the web host. In exchange for the hosting you won't be asked for money, but there could be banners, hot links, frames, popup windows or other forms of online advertising that will interfere with the content of your web site, possibly having a bad effect on its look and almost certainly annoying your visitors.Another minus is that your traffic is not likely to attain very high values due to the long domain name. People are not going to return to your web site simply because they forgot its URL. Therefore if people haven't added your site to their bookmarks, and if your web site is not easily reachable through search engine search or fro other linked sites, it is very likely that your traffic scores would not be very impressive. A personal web site could be very useful asset in promoting your professional image to potential or actual employers and business contacts. Regardless we are considering the URL or e-mail address, what would an employer for example think when handed a business card with an e-mail address like yourname@freeserver.com. Would you feel comfortable going to a job interview and leaving your resume referring to your online portfolio available at www.yourname.yetanotherfreehost.com? All your effort and skill displayed by your web content would be almost surely hurt by as little as your URL. Not fair, but likely. A part of the image of successful professionals nowadays is a good personal website. It is well known that success generates success. The look of a personal URL and e-mail such us www.yourname.biz or contact@yourname.com would definitely benefit to your image as a professional. As you were diligent enough to have a personal website, the matter of trusting it to a free web host or investing an additional and usual small amount of money might be the difference of being associated with a success story of your career or with the cliché of a quite all right fellow that is barely struggling and would make compromises even when it comes to its image. Any problems with the web host, possible downtime, and narrow bandwidth will chase your visitors away and will be associated to your web site. On the other hand, if your are just stating your experience with the World Wide Web, or if your are setting up a web site with only close friends and relatives as intended audience, a free web host might just do it for you. These are just a few of the examples of having a good reason to publish your web site on a free hosting provider. Free web hosts helped thousands of people to familiarize themselves with the Internet experience, as first cradles for their web presence. This is one of the reasons free web hosts have contributed to the overall popularity of the Internet. As comfortable as cradles are, you can't spend your whole life in the cradle! So, if you are planning to have a web site to represent you online and you want to be taken seriously, to actually enhance your personal image, make right. Make your web site a living proof of your thoroughness and start with your URL. About The Author This article may be reprinted or published without the authors consent as long as the "About" and "weblinks" are kept intact.
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