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4 Things Your Clients Want From Your Company

Sure, all clients are different. They have different kinds of strengths, weaknesses, cultures and goals. Even what blocks their efficiency and growth (blind spots) is different. Davis, Kingsley & Company has conducted hundreds of interviews and there are four strong themes that always emerge.

Listen to me. This is the Big Daddy of client desires. Your clients want you to listen to them. The implications of this theme lead to a variety of creative programs that will put you in a listening position with your clients. While surveys, at times, can be useful, we have found they do not satisfy a client's need to be heard.

Show me you've listened. If your clients take the time to speak up and offer their opinions about their experience with your company, your company must show a response. This doesn't mean thank you notes. This means showing the client that changes have been made. Showing them that their opinions made a difference. This is another opportunity to be creative about building relations with clients.

Serve, don't sell. Each client thinks they are different and unique. They also know they have needs and they know your company has some solutions. Clients want their service providers to listen to their needs and offer a response to the need when appropriate. This is different from selling although the activity may end with a sale being made. They do not want to hear your sales pitches just because you have a need to book more business or cross-sell.

Understand me. Every client thinks they are unique. You must do research to understand the problems your clients face from an individual standpoint as well as from company and industry perspectives. Demonstrating that you understand their unique personal and company concerns can be one of your key service differentiators.

Davis, Kingsley & Company can help you design and execute an effective client satisfaction assessment program to address these themes.

Provide mechanisms to listen to your clients. Companies hire us if they want candid and honest feedback from their clients. Our outsider status lets individuals talk freely about whatever is on their minds.

Be creative about demonstrating that you have listened. We work with companies to help them respond to the positive feedback to any problems uncovered. Then we make sure their clients are aware of the changes. After all, it was their opinions that offered the insights.

Build good relationships; it's still primary. It's common knowledge now that most complex sales are consummated after solid relationships are built. And we all know the best relationships are built on trust and respect. Davis, Kingsley & Company helps companies create opportunities that allow their clients to trust and respect them.

How is your organization doing? What would your clients say to us?

Darcie Davis, President of Davis, Kingsley & Company. Darcie is a management consultant, speaker, author and trainer. She works with companies to secure genuine feedback from their clients before advising them on strategic decisions about sales, marketing, and operations. Her advice will keep your clients out of the jaws of the competition.

Learn more about Darcie and the services offered at her firm at:

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