Email Marketing Information

The Lazy Way To Build A Responsive Opt-In Email List

If you're in business on the Internet to make a profit, then you're probably aware of how significant a list of prospects is to your success.

But what if you don't want to spend countless hours each and every week promoting, writing and managing a continuous email publication?

Well, here's a relatively-unused strategy you can apply to nurture a list of prospects who not only trust you, but are also eager for more of your expertise.

And that's *without* facing the daunting task of writing a newsletter issue every week, draining valuable hours of your business day

"What is it?", you ask...

It's simple! You use an autoresponder to store a pre-written newsletter publication. You can then let the autoresponder send out the pre-written issues to every one of your subscribers every week like clockwork.

"But Doesn't This Result in Far More Work?"

At first, yes, it may seem like a lot of work. But the secret is using your time *wisely*. Sure, you can write an issue each week... but when time permits, you could set up 3 issues all at once, thus not needing to write anything for the next three weeks (assuming you set each issue to go out weekly).

If you have your material to source information from (such as your own info-products) then this strategy will come in very handy and free up a lot of your time.

Instead of being forced to write a newsletter issue on a weekly basis, you can in fact write each issue in your own time, and simply add it to autoresponder for your subscribers to receive when necessary.

The best part is that your subscribers always get to read all of your issues no matter when they subscribe. And after setting up a certain number of issues, you can decide to stop writing and follow what I call the "read as I write" routine, where there is no set interval for future issues.

Of course, you can write an issue every week, but you may be more comfortable sending out an email whenever you have something to say, or perhaps a new article to send.

Remember, despite what the gurus tell you, there are no golden rules when it comes to developing your email list.

About The Author

Adam Kling is the founder of, a new, user-friendly email marketing service that will follow up *unlimited* leads and prospects with personalized emails as many times as you wish. Want to include attachments, send email broadcasts to your lists, track your responses, and much more? No problem!


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