Email Marketing Information

Could This Be The End of Sp^am?

The war on sp^am has so far been waged on two fronts:legislation to make sp^am illegal and filters that prevent sp^amreaching its destination.

But neither approach has worked.

Even if US anti-sp^am laws succeeded, they would notstop sp^am that originates outside the US.

As for sp^am filters, the sp^ammers are constantly devising newways to defeat them. The people who are really being affectedby the filters are web marketers with legitimate optin lists - howmany of your subscribers are receiving your newsletter?

But now, two researchers at IBM - Scott Fahlman and MarkWegman - have come up with a completely different approach.

The idea is very simple.

Software located between your email client and your serverwould intercept all incoming email. The software would containa 'white list' of email addresses that you want to receive emailfrom.

Any incoming email that is not recognized by your 'white list'would be bounced back to the sender with a message directingthe sender to a website where they could purchase a 'charity stamp'for a small fee - between 5 and 25 cents.

The proceeds would go to charity. The charity stamp would be a10-digit code that allows the email to pass through the software toyour email client.

This would kill sp^am almost overnight.


Because sp^ammers have an extremely low conversion rate - aslittle as one sale for every 10,000 emails. But that doesn't worry them,because they send millions of emails at a time - and it costs themnothing. Now multiply 2 million emails by 5 cents per email - Joe Sp^amis out of business!

The flood of sp^am that is now choking up the Internet only proveswhat economists have long been saying - any resource that is freeand unregulated becomes exploited to the point where no one canuse it anymore.

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more:

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