Email Marketing Information

Its In The List! Thats Where It Is!

Have you noticed the marketing frenzy? Have you felt thegrowing pains? Everyone who has an online business seems tobe getting in the marketing fray, making it a busy and verycompetitive field. If you're one of them, you're probablyon a whirlwind ride. Marketers are looking high and low forthe most profitable ways to spend their hard earned moneyto keep their online business in the red.

And don't forget the time involved in every venture taken.You know about the FFA and free advertising andsubscription services. It's not much money to use theseservices out of pocket, but if you figure in your time, thecost is huge. Yes, it can be a way to pick up a fewsubscribers and visitors and buyers here and there, but doyou want to settle for a few when the payoff doesn't matchyour efforts? How long can your business survive at such aslow pace?

I've been there and am still working on it. It's an ongoinglearning experience. New products and services pop up allthe time to distract you from what you really need to bedoing.

And what should you be doing? It's the one thing thathasn't changed from the get go of the online business. TheList! The money is in the list, either your list or someoneelse's. and eventually it should be your list.

So how do you build your list? How do you get 100subscribers? How do you go from there to 1000 subscribers?It's mind boggling.

But I'm going to give away some secrets and I'm handingover the key to help you build your list. This is biggerthan Bush Beans recipe, and I'm talking.

First of all it's FREE. Did you hear that - FREE. Nogimmicks, no crossed fingers.

Go here and get your Special Report. "How I Got 1,124Subscribers In One Week - From Scratch." You'll beimpressed. I'll guarantee it. The report reveals a strategyfor building your list Very Quickly!

This is a Shareware Article. You may use this article inyour ezine or on your website as long as you keep it fullyintact and contact me with when and where it will be used.

Janis Rae Searcey
Editor and Publisher
Alwaysads by Injeanous

Loves a good ad and the products too. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't holler "SPAM" when I receive unsolicited email in my inbox, except when they get my gender wrong.


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