Internet Marketing Information

How To Pull Massive Profits From Resale Rights Instantly

What's in your name?

I'm not trying to be funny here, this basic question holds the key to you making much more money with your resale rights business than you probably realized.

May I ask again then: "what's in your name"?

If you look at it, the main difference between your name and everyone's else is well, it's different...

And here's the vital key to pulling massive profits from resale rights you can take advantage of instantly:

..Just be different!

The resale rights business is very lucrative but extremely competitive, without doing something different from the thousands of other resellers out there, your chance of success will be unjustly limited.

Being different makes you stand out from among the rest, and give customers a good reason to buy from you, instead of the same 'me-too' crowd.

Here are three powerful ways to achieve the differentiation you need:

(1) Creating a new image

You'd NOT want to use the plug-in websites, salesletters and graphics that come packaged with many resale rights products.

Everyone's using them that's why.

The first and fastest way to become unique is to get new graphics for the product. Next you may even want to rewrite the sales letter if the original doesn't convert well.

Even a simple thing as changing the web background colour can bring increased results?

I did just that with "Net Gurus Secrets Revealed" and response literally skyrocketed


What you'd want to do basically is:

Breathe NEW LIFE into both your new AND old resale products by simply changing their looks!

(2) Creating a new package

Another proven tactic is to create a brand new resale package, and this is entirely within your control and creatively.

Surefire methods to do this include packaging new bonuses, creating themed packages and combining audio and video tutorials?

There're many combinations of how to do this, and again it's up to your own creativity to come up with new ideas.

(3) Re-creating a 'new' strategy

Here's something you ought to think about?

Many resellers simply forget the fundamental truth that everything comes down to good old marketing, yes even resale rights.

Apply all the marketing strategies you know to resale rights and I guarantee you making much more profits.

For example how many people bother to promote their resale rights products through articles?

Not many I can tell you.

Applying time-tested marketing tactics to your resale rights business can mean increased profits easily, so don't ever limit yourself.

Now this is JUST ONE technique you've learned here today, check out for more powerful ways to instantly profit from simple resale rights products you never thought existed!

Copyright 2004 Ewen Chia

About The Author

Ewen is the editor of "Web Marketing Exposed" which reveals specific techniques you can use to get more traffic, subscribers and sales to your websites quickly and easily!

Ewen Chia has released the official resale rights marketing blueprint revealing the hidden secrets to amassing a fortune from resale rights?in as little as 72 hours! He'll even hand you $9,700 worth of resale rights products to kickstart your own resale rights empire. Find full details at :


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