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How To Actually Make Money In Network Marketing
Most people that I know who are, or have been in network marketing, never seem to make a dime! Others (myself included) make a small fortune. If you're not doing VERYwell with your business, and you're honestly putting in the effort, let me explain to you how to turn things around! First of all, you need to make sure that you have the rightproduct. That's the biggest mistake I see those who're failing make. At the same time, I see many marketing thesame products that I do, not having the same success. So that's only one piece of the puzzle. Still, it's a very important piece of the puzzle. The product must be: - A product that you can't buy cheaper at the local Wal-Mart!If your potential customers could get the product cheaperlocally, you'll have a hard time marketing it to peoplewho, at least subconsciously, have to believe that they're being ripped off. To honestly evaluate "the true value"of the product you also need to separate the product fromthe "biz-op" end of it. The product has to actually be worththe asking price even if it didn't offer resellers or representatives a chance to profit from selling it. - A product category that a large group of people are alreadybuying. Having to educate people that they need your productis an uphill... and often losing... battle. Why not offer them something they're already using. - A consumable product. One-time sales mean you are constantly searching for new customers. It's sooooo mucheasier to market something that they will love, use up, and keep getting more of from you. Built-in residual income simplycan't be beat. Make the sale once... do the work once, andthen earn commissions for a very long time. Let me give you a quick example of such a product. Practicallyeveryone over 6-years-old in America, and in many countries, send greeting cards. They send them for holidays, birthdays,graduations, the birth of a child, wedding, etc. Some peoplesend as many as 70 cards a year... my wife probably falls into that category. My wife and many others send tons of cards costing up to $5each. Actually, it's more correct to say that she now sendscards on all of these occasions for less than $1 each. No,those are NOT e-cards, and that price includes postage. Shesends them through a network marketing company that doesprint on demand cards, and allows her to upload her addressbook into an online database, and then reminds her of when it's time to send birthday cards, etc. This product alsohas wide appeal to professionals such as car dealers, bankers,realtors, lawyers, etc., because the system allows them to send entire campaigns of pre-scheduled sequences of personalize cards. It's very powerful. That is just one example, one I happen to really like, of a network marketing business where you don't have to createdemand, or search for customers. They're just waiting foryou to show them a product that will actually save themmoney. Since these cards are fully personalized, don'trequire you to even leave your house, and can be sent in afew seconds... all for under a dollar, I doubt that evenWal-Mart can compete. It's a no-brainer! Take a look at: You can even request a sample account be set up so thatyou can take the system for a test drive. The "try beforeyou buy model" is time tested and PROVEN to work! The only drawback to the card system is that they don'taccept distributors outside the U.S. and its territories.Customers can be from anywhere though. Now, aside from the product, you need: - A proven company. The management needs to know whatit's doing, and that only comes from experience in managinga similar business. It simply doesn't make sense to riskyour time and other resources on inexperienced management. - A well-designed website. This is a BIG drawback formany network marketing companies I see. Their site leaves you guessing "What in the world is this site about!"Most visitors that you manage to attract to such as sitewill simply leave, and in the process leave you frustratedwith your lack of success. - A compensation plan that doesn't require a Ph.D. to understand. For some reason, most network marketingcompanies choose to express their compensation plansin terms only someone "high on crack cocaine" could begin to comprehend. The easier it is for someone to understandthe compensation plan, the better. After all, yourprospects are coming into it for the money, so they mustbe able to understand how, and how much, they'll get paid. - A belief in the product strong enough that youcan honestly recommend it. All of our communicationshave a "tone" to them... even our written communications.We humans pick up on subtleties in communication, andwe ARE able to tell when someone doesn't really believe what they're saying to us. We get that feelingthat something "isn't quite right." At the same time,when someone shares information with you about a productthat they're totally "ga-ga" over, you pick up on thattoo. The business also needs to require some initial investment. Having studied hundreds of different companies, and differentbusiness models, I expect to make an investment to get into a good network marketing program. You need to attract seriousbusiness people, and programs that you can get intofor absolutely nothing generally only attract those who will never upgrade, never do anything to really promote the business, and expect you to do everything for them. A nominal fee for the starter kit serves to weed outthose who would waste a lot of your time, and allowsyou to spend time working with those willing to invest inactually building a business. The reality is that there'sno business, that I know of, that you can get into withoutsome type of investment! Another essential is training for team members. You MUSThave a duplicable system that anyone can plug into. It can't be only suitable for certain personality types. Any new person must be able to follow the step-by-steptraining, and because of the system in place, achievethe same results. The training needs to be availableon webpages, in printable form, and in audio form, so that team members can digest it in whatever form they learn best in. Live training events... or perhaps webinarsneed to also be available. Far too many people fail in network marketing simplybecause they can't do what the top producers aredoing. When that happens, it's because the top producersare often "lone wolves" off doing their own thing outside of the system. What that does is allow the lonewolf to bring in a lot of people who can't do what they're doing. That formula simply can't work long-term. One final factor that differentiates the successful from the unsuccessful network marketer... the successfulnetwork marketer only recruits the right people. Theyinterview prospects to determine why they want to getinto the business in the first place. If the prospectdoesn't have compelling, emotional reason for wantingto get into the business, top producers don't wastetheir time recruiting them. That takes a lot ofdiscipline, but it's the only way to build an organization that will be successful long-term. Bringing in the wrong people... people who won't work, and wantyou to do everything for them, only leads to disappointmentsfor everyone involved. I've just shared with you the key to actually making lotsof money in network marketing. It's all really justcommon sense, but common sense that far too few peopleseem to be applying. Think about what was just sharedwith you above. Then ask if you're doing it right. If not,making a few corrections will dramatically improve yourresults. Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author,seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host, retired military officer, karate black belt, Master Network Marketing Trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. He showspeople how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and duplicate is at:
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