Security Information

Security Information

Internet Privacy

Over the past few years as the internet has become more and more popular, privacy has become a major issue.Just as if you are walking down the street and can be watched, every click of your mouse every website you browse, or file you download, is traceable.

Dont Fall Victim to Internet Fraud-10 Tips for Safer Surfing

The Internet offers a global marketplace for consumers and businesses. However, criminals also recognize the potential of cyberspace.

3 Things You Must Know About Spyware

1)Spyware is on your system. Like it or not, statistically speaking, you probably have spyware on your machine right now.

SPYWARE - Whos Watching Who?

I am in the midst of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. "The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

Virus Prevention 101

Blaster, Welchia, Sobig, W32, Backdoor, Trojan, Melissa, Klez, Worm, Loveletter, Nimda? Do these names sound Familiar?Have you been as bothered by viruses this past year as I have? Does it seem like there are more viruses, worms and Trojans out now then ever before? It is only getting worse.For the general public, "virus" has become a catchall term for any unwanted program that spreads from computer-to-computer; yet, in reality, there are differences between viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

Types Of Computer Infections

Computer infections can be broken up into 4 main categories which are explained in detail below:VirusesComputer Viruses are small pieces of software that attach themselves to real programs. An example would be a virus that attaches itself onto windows explorer.

Are They Watching You Online?

When surfing the Internet you probably take your anonymityfor granted, most of us do.Tapping phones, listening to confidential conversations,reading others' e-mail messages seems like something thatonly happens in spy movies to "other" people.

Top Five Online Scams

The top five online scams on the Internet hit nearly ten million people last year according to an FBI report in December 2004. That figure doubled from 2003 to 2004 and people are continuing to fall for these email and identity theft scams.

Computer Security

What is computer security?Computer security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer. Prevention measures help you to stop unauthorized users (also known as "intruders") from accessing any part of your computer system.

3 Simple Steps to Stay Safe from Spyware

There are several basic concepts to keep in mind when deciding to stay spyware free for good. This article will outline a spyware checklist for you to keep in mind when getting tough on spyware and taking back control of your computer using two popular free applications, Ad-Aware,and Spybot - S&D.

How To Clean the Spies In Your Computer?

Manual Spy Bot Removal > BookedSpaceBookedSpace is an Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object used to show advertising.Free PC Health Check - find bad files fast! How many corrupt and redundant files are lurking inside your PC ready to cause harmful errors? Find these harmful "time-bomb" files instantly and keep your computer ERROR FREE 24 hours a day!VariantsBookedSpace/Remanent : early variant (around July 2003) with filename rem00001.

How To Avoid Hackers From Destroying Your Site?

Recently, my site and other internet accounts ( http://www.nabaza.

How To Give Away Your Personal Information

Identity Theft and Your Personal Information--------------------------------------------Identity theft is apparently the "in thing" these days. By media accounts, hackers and evildoers lurk everywhere trying to steal your personal information.

New Mass Mailing Spamming Internet Trojan for the Windows Platform

May. 16th 2005 - MicroWorld has reported the discovery of Troj/Sober-Q, which is a mass mailing spamming internet Trojan for the Windows platform.

Protection for Your PC - Painless and Free!

Viruses, Bugs, Worms, Dataminers, Spybots, and Trojan horses. The Internet is a veritable minefield of things that can invade your PC and affect it's Security and Performance.

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