Security Information

Security Information

Internet Shopping - How Safe Is It?

Millions of people make purchases online, but many people are still wary. They fear the unknown and have many doubts and questions about who they are dealing with.

Top 10 tips for Safe Internet Shopping

Over 5 billion pounds was spent on online shopping in 2004. The Internet was the fastest growing retail sector last year, attracting one in four shoppers.

Backup and Save your business!

There you are busily typing away on your PC or yourLaptop, and all of a sudden the strangest thing happens.The screen goes black, extinquished like a candle in thewind.

New CipherSend Online Security Service Thwarts Email Address Theft And Soothes Password Fatigue

In 1997, I decided after 15 years as a practicing CPA that it was time to put down my pencil and explore a new venture on the exciting new internet which, while perhaps not exactly in its infancy at that point, was still at least a pimply faced teenaged medium still unexplored by most accountants.I founded CPAsites.

Protecting Your Children On The Internet

If you are a parent, as am I, I think we can agree there is little else more important than keeping our children safe and protected. It's difficult enough keeping them safe from the unscrupulous people we read about in the news, but dealing with children and the Internet takes it to a completely new level.

Anti-Spyware Protection: Behind How-To Tips

There is no doubt that "how-to articles" have become a separate genre. One can find such an article about almost anything; there are even some entitled "How to Write a How-To Article".


NETWORK SECURITIES: IMPORTANCE OF SECURITIESComputers and securities must form a strong partnership to keep information safe and secure. It is important for people who spend time surfing the web to understand much of the information given out is easily accessible by individuals who desire to eavesdrop on the data.

The One Critical Piece Of Free Software Thats Been Overlooked

Can You Prevent Spyware, Worms, Trojans, Viruses,..

How Did This Happen to Me? Top 10 Ways to Get Spyware or Viruses on Your Computer

If you use the internet, you have probably been infected with a virus, trojan or spyware. According to the SANS Internet Storm Center, the average unprotected PC is infected within 20 minutes of normal internet usage.

Social Engineering: You Have Been A Victim

Monday morning, 6am; the electric rooster is telling you it's time to start a new work week. A shower, some coffee, and you're in the car and off.

If You Sell Anything Online Your ePockets Are Being Picked

You and I are a lot alike. We are both software publishers and eBook authors getting hosed on a regular basis.

Spyware Programs Are Out To Get You!

The average computer is packed with hidden software that can secretly spy on online habits.The US net provider EarthLink said it uncovered an average of 28 spyware programs on each PC scanned during the first three months of the year.

An Open Door To Your Home Wireless Internet Network Security?

This is not some new fangled techno-speak, it is a real tool to be used for the protection of your wireless internet network and LAN. African American SMBs have to realize that if your Internet connection is on 24/7 then your network, and it is a network that your computer is connected to, is at risk.

Instant Messaging - Expressway for Identity Theft, Trojan Horses, Viruses, and Worms

Never before with Instant Messaging (IM) has a more vital warning been needed for current and potential IM buddies who chat on line.John Sakoda of IMlogic CTO and Vice President of Products stated that,"IM viruses and worms are growing exponentially.

An Open Letter From a So-called Stupid

Someone recently told me, "You would have to be a stupid to lose your personal information." While I respectfully responded to this person in the moment, the comment has stuck with me.

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