Security Information

Security Information

Firewall Protection - Does Your Firewall Do This?

The first thing people think about when defending their computers and networks is an up-to-date antivirus program. Without this most basic protection, your computer will get a virus, which could just slow it down or potentially bring the pc to a complete standstill!So anti-virus software is the answer?An anti-virus solution on it's own is not the answer to all of your problems, it can only protect you so much; in fact test have shown that a new pc running Windows XP if left connected to the Internet unprotected will be infected with viruses and remotely controlled via unauthorised persons within 20 minutes! To protect you against hackers and often to prevent spyware and 'scumware' from communicating directly with their servers about information it may have picked up from your pc, a firewall should form the key part of your e-security solution.

Phishing - Its Signs and Your Options

Phishing is the act of some individual sending an email to a user in an attempt to scam the user to release personal information. Is it easy to determine if it's a scam? Sometimes - but not always.

If You Steal It, They May Come!

Business on the internet is getting down right shameless. This week, my email box was literally filled with hype, overly inflated promises, phish mail, scams, ezines I did not order, and about 14 viagra gimmicks.

The 5 Critical Steps to Protecting Your Computer on the Internet

Spyware, viruses and worms..

Why Malicious Programs Spread So Quickly?

It seems that nowadays cybercriminals prefer cash to fun. That is why malicious programs of various kinds (viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc.

Lottery Scam, What It is and how to Avoid It?

Internet scams and frauds are on the rise! The quantity of scam emails with various fraud schemes any email account receives today is simply overwhelming! There is this infamous Nigerian 419 scam, which is by far the most widely circulated one. I wrote about it in one of our ezine articles not long ago.

How to Get Rid of New Sobig.F Virus?

As you know, this time the virus under the name Sobig.F has wreaked quite havoc! No doubt, many of us have suffered from this recent virus outbreak.

Dont Allow Hackers to Take Out Money from Your Bank Account

If you know what is the 'Fishing' then it's very easyto understand the definition of 'Phishing'. Justreplace letter 'F' from the word Fishing with 'Ph'.

Adware and Spyware: The Problems and Their Solutions

The Threat10 years ago you could probably have run no Internet security applications and still have come out after a browse of the Internet with a virus and malware free computer, but this situation is no longer apparent. Several years ago, before I knew of the dangers of the Internet, I had absolutely no spyware or adware protection.

Virus and Adware - Fix them Both!

We all get the odd virus now and then, but sometimes that one virus could cause so many problems. In this article I shall be going though just some of the problems that these virus software programs can do, and how to fix them.

The Top Twelve Threats No Computer User Should Ignore

The internet is undoubtedly a fantastic resource for families and offers a rich vein of educational content.However, there are potential dangers - welcome to the seedy world of viruses, spam, trojans, pornography, spyware and other nasties.

Everything You Need To Know About Spyware and Malware

You are at your computer, checking out software on EBay. The computer is really sluggish, and you are not running anything else.

A New Low

A new variation of the Nigerian Scam themeThe scam artists are employing the Nigerian Scam to fleece unwary sellers who advertise pets for sale.This is particularly despicable because not only are people losing their money but dogs are being abandoned in freight terminals or being killed to get rid of them.

Internet Identity Theft - How You Can Shield Yourself

With the advent of the World Wide Web, a whole new breed of criminals have surfaced, posing threats to more than just our material assets, but also to our very identities. Although there are a number of effective methods for protecting yourself from internet identity theft, not everyone takes the necessary steps to initiate such a plan.

Is Your Music Player Spying On You?

In today's times spyware is a very serious issue and all computer users should be aware of the possible damage it can cause. It is estimated by well known industry insiders that nearly 90% of all computers are infected with some kind of spyware.

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