Security Information

Security Information

Phishing: A Scary Way of Life

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has identified "phishing" as the "hottest and most troubling new scam on the Internet."What is Phishing?Phishing is a scam initiated via e-mail.

A New Era of Computer Security

Computer security for most can be described in 2 words, firewall and antivirus.Until recently could one install a firewall and an antivirus program and feel quite secure.

Delete Cookies: New-Age Diet or Common Sense Internet Security?

No, this article isn't about some new, lose-20-pounds-in-a-week, certified-by-some-tan-Southern-California-doctor diet. It's about cookies on your computer - what they are, why they are there, and what to do about them.

Don't Become An Identity Fraud Statistic!

"You've just won a fabulous vacation or prize package! Now, if you'll kindly give me your credit card information and social security number for verification purposes, you will receive this awesome gift!"Now why would they need my credit card or social security number to send me a freebie? Can you say, "identity theft?"Although there are legitimate reasons for people to need that information, such as a purchase or job application, thieves need it to steal your life and money from you!Crime officials are reporting that this kind of theft is becoming quite common. Don't be a victim! Follow a few common-sense suggestions to avoid finding out someone else has taken over your life-along with your bank account!-Do not allow anyone to borrow your credit cards! Your best friend may be trustworthy, but her boyfriend may not be!-Don't provide personal information such as date of birth, credit card numbers, your pin number, mom's maiden name, or social security number over the telephone unless you initiate the call.

DOS Attacks: Instigation and Mitigation

During the release of a new software product specialized to track spam, ACME SoftwareInc notice that there was not as much traffic as they hoped to receive. During furtherinvestigation, they found that they could not view their own website.

Fishing for Fortunes. Scam!

Spelt phishing, but pronounced as above, this despicable act is an effort to batter your bankroll or commandeer your cash.To put it simply, you can get emails from account administrators, which strongly urge you to update details attached to that account.

Avoid Internet Theft, Fraud and Phishing

Since its birth, the Internet has grown and expanded to unprecedented, unmanageable proportions. Information, software, news, and much more flow freely through its twisted pathways.

Corporate Security for Your Home Business

The words Corporate Security may conjure up images of a group of techies working in a wire-filled basement room of Microsoft or HP, combating hackers and terrorists online using words like algorithm and encryption. If you own your own business, do not allow yourself to think that security is only for big corporations.

Is Shopping Online For Your Horse Gifts Safe?

Shopping for horse gifts or other gift items on the internetis quick, convenient and is probably safer than you think.However, you still need to be aware that it is essential tovigorously protect your privacy and financial informationwhen making purchases online.

Remove Rogue Desktop Icons Created By Spyware

If you have used a Windows machine for a while, whether it's Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 98, you're sure to have noticed desktop icons appearing from out of nowhere. How can icons mysteriously emerge on your Windows desktop?1.

Social Engineering - The Real E-Terrorism?

One evening, during the graveyard shift, an AOL technical support operator took a call from a hacker. During the hour long conversation the hacker mentioned he had a car for sale.

Dialing Up a Scam: Avoiding the Auto-Dialer Virus

For many, the daily walk to the mailbox evokes mixed feelings: The glee that your favorite monthly magazine - or a friend's hand-written letter (quite a surprise in the e-mail age) may be waiting is countered by anxiety of how many bills the postman left you.Now, imagine coming across your phone bill, thicker and heavier than normal.

Web and Computer Security

Well, if that would have been said to me by my father when I was 2 years of age, I would have understood. But when today, my own computer tells me that when I am 34, I wonder why I spent $1500 on my computer hardware and software just to enjoy the (un-realized) benefits of this great and revolutionary information technology?Today’s cyberspace is hazardous.

Be Aware of Phishing Scams!

If you use emails actively in your communication, you must have received various messages claiming to be from Ebay, Paypal and a number of banks. A recent email as if from U.


P C. owners are constantly at risk from attacks by hackers.

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