SEO Information

What is Your Sales Message?

So you built a website, you have a product, but it's not selling. What's your sales message? Does your site scream out to potential customers "BUY ME!!" or does it simply say "Hi, we're here, we have a product, if you want one...well you could buy it here...or go...YUCK!

Let's look at a simple way of changing that perspective of using a call to action.

Dr. Jerry Teplitz in one of his lessons at a place I will call IBI. You can look at it as the Free Enterprise Forum through IBI Global, located at IBI GLOBAL described people's reading habits when reading a webpage as that of looking at a large capital letter "Z".

Within that letter "Z" are about 5-6 action points or calls to action. At least there should be. Upper left...Subscribe to our newsletter...upper right...BUY our PRODUCT...middle of the page...did you know this?...lower left...join our mailing list...lower right...BUY MORE PRODUCTS.

Question is, does your web page do this? If not, it should. Why? What if I told you that by doing this one simple thing, that you could increase your revenue from your website by as much as 30%! Would you do it then? If you were making $0.00 and you could increase that by 30% I think you might. Or if you were making $1,000.00 per month and you could increase that to $1,300.00 per month..or more. It keeps going up. Best part is 30% is not the limit of the increase. It goes up exponentially.

Granted this will not do it alone. You still need traffic coming that is searching for your product, or your service, and you need an attractive price point to deliver them to your shopping cart. However, this will increase their stay time on your website, and the longer people are there, the more apt they are to buy. This is a proven fact.

Language is key to everything in sales. Positioning of the product, size of images, attractiveness of the image/box, the way you ask someone to buy. The way that you "close" the sale.

Don't be afraid to ask for the business. Ask for it directly. Offer incentives to customers. Offer a money-back guarantee. All of these things instill confidence in your being the best alternative and make sure that you communicate that they'd be foolish to do business with anyone else but you.

You can be direct in that language "You'd be foolish to buy a product similar to this one". Or you could say "If I were you, I'd think twice about purchasing a "similar" product. You figure out what works for your buying public, but make the message clear. You want the business, you're willing to do just about anything to get the business, but you're the best deal going.

Once you have done that, your sales will increase. Make the message clear, position the product calls to action on your webpages in obvious places and then hire a firm like to optimize your website and expose it to your target market with traffic looking to purchase your product or service. Nothing like having a website for auto parts and the visitors who show up are looking for candy and don't buy anything. I can help you change that. So don't waste your time and your money. Come to someone who will work with you, examine your expectations, ensure they're realistic for your website, and help you with consulting for offline as well as online marketing.

After all, just because you built the building, filled it with goods and hung out the sign that says "OPEN FOR BUSINESS" doesn't mean people will flock in and buy. You still have to market to them, and give them a reason to purchase from nobody else but you.

See you on the web.

Michael Murdock, CEO

Michael Murdock former Macintosh Systems Engineer for PIXAR, and Systems Engineer at SUN Microsystems brings his expertise of the web to SEO. He's been doing this for more than 8 years and helped many companies gain prominence on the Internet Search Engines. He can be found at


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