Software Information

Software Information

Brief Notes About Mainframe Software Pricing

We don't think about mainframe software pricing anymore, we just go out buy a server hardware/software "package" from Microsoft, but did you ever tink about how they got their ideas for the usage licence, it all started with IBM and the introduction of Cmos logic technology in 1994, simnce then mainframe software pricing has steadily became disproportion to the comparatively minute hardware costs, which has been stated to be "typically four to five times the hardware cost" in terms of the system budget.This trend has given rise to growing concerns over the direct results of current software pricing techniques which are leading to problems such as making smaller applications costly to operate on large systems.

How to Get The Best Accounting Software For Your Small Business

Buying accounting software is a major investment. It's an important decision and you need to be sure of all the facts before you buy.

Implementing ERP for Large Publicly Traded Corporation - Microsoft Great Plains

We would like first emphasize the change in the paradigm. If you look back - 20 years or even 10 years - those days you saw ERP/MRP monster applications/systems winning time.

Ukraine: a Prospective Player on the World Software Outsourcing Market

The destruction of the Soviet Union about 15 years ago, made a huge country with a great level of IT science divided into small bricks. Nowadays, despite Russia's expansion into the world software development market, Ukraine keeps playing an important role here too.

Groupware Finds Home in American Business: Collaboration Tool Analysis

What is Groupware?Have you ever had to manage document collaboration in a hurry? No need to be ashamed if you said "yes." Virtually every American business has experienced moments of ad hoc team collaboration.

Anti-Virus Software

Anti-virus software is used to find, remove or fix files that are infected with computer viruses. Most anti-virus companies release weekly updates of their databases to help keep you safe.

Recovering Microsoft Great Plains Customization - Tips for IT Director

Remember nice and prosperous Clinton era? When you implemented innovative those old days accounting application - Great Plains Dynamics. And did a lot of customizations to fit your business requirements precisely.

Microsoft Great Plains: If You are Orphan Client - What to Do and FAQ

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, former Great Plains Software eEnterprise, Dynamics and Dynamics C/S+ is very popular ERP and since 1994 has been successfully implemented for mid-size and mid-size to large companies in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Middle East. During the economic recession time 2001-2004 the majority of businesses cut to virtually zero their IT/computer support expenses and stayed with hardware and software.

Great Plains Dexterity - Microsoft Great Plains Customization Overview

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, former Great Plains Software Dynamics and eEnterprise are Dexterity-written applications. Also small business line: Microsoft Small Business Manager or Small Business Financials is written in Dexterity and uses the same code base as Great Plains.

Microsoft CRM Messaging through Lotus Domino eMail Server - Balanced Solution

Microsoft CRM and IBM Lotus Notes Domino seem to be taking completely different paths and if company is Microsoft oriented - we see MS CRM, MS Exchange, MS SQL Server, SharePoint, etc. In the case of Lotus Domino - it is opposite - Lotus is corporate Information Media and could technically play CRM role with internal messaging coming through Lotus Domino server.

ERP Software Financing: the Future? - Overview for Company Owner

In our case - we serve Microsoft Business Solutions ERP and CRM products: Microsoft Great Plains, Microsoft CRM, Navision, Microsoft RMS, as well as we do customization and integration to these products. We would like to share with you our experience with financing through Microsoft Financial Corporation, the entity handling software financing for Great Plains, CRM, Solomon, Navision & Axapta.

Microsoft Great Plains: Offshore Customization & Development - Overview for Consultant

When you visit department stores and see that majority of the apparels are produced in other countries, not US - you probably do not worry about this fact. About 10 years ago, when Clinton's high tech era was at the inception - we saw the signs of high tech professionals inflow in the USA from overseas.

.Net Charts and Graphs Interact with Businesses and Customers

Bar charts, bar graphs, and any other chart or graph used in financial statements, inventory reports, sales reports, and a slew of other types of reports have typically been paper reports or online reports depicting various levels of complex information for tracking, investing, planning, and buying. However, until the .

Microsoft Great Plains: Service Business Customization & Integration Example

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform, ready for customization and integration. Microsoft Business Solutions partner typically does one of the two things: specializes in the industry (in this case it goes for the nation-wide clientele) or specializes in the local or regional market.

How the Firefox: How to... Manual Helped Me

A few months back I really got sick of my computer always being slow and having system errors. So I started doing a bit of research and heard of a new browser called "Firefox".

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