Software Information

Software Information

Information Products: A Business Owners Best Friend

We live in a post-industrial age where information is the coin of the realm. Knowledge is the most valuable asset that a business owns.

Microsoft Great Plains Partner Selection: Overview

Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Solomon and Axapta are Microsoft Business Solutions ERP applications, serving to the whole spectrum of vertical and horizontal markets. Assuming that you already have one of these systems installed and implemented we would like to give you - IT director, Database Administrator, Programmer, Software Developer, Controller your options in supporting/upgrading Microsoft Great Plains for your companyIt is always good idea to install everything on your own - however Great Plains requires combination of computer networking, some programming, good accounting/distribution/logistics/reporting background - so it is not a surprise that Microsoft Business Solutions requires their customers to have specially assigner Microsoft Great Plains Partner/VAR/Reseller to serve the account.

Crystal Reports - Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is the leader for inexpensive and middle size SQL solutions. Plus it is now capable to serve large enterprise on Microsoft Windows platform.

Microsoft Blues

With the advent of 'Service Pack 2' for Windows XP operating system, Microsoft have really made the forums hum.Every forum on computer problems is replete with complaints that since downloading and installing 'SP2', many 'third party' applications don't work.

Microsoft CRM Customization

Microsoft CRM customization techniques are very diversified and based on the whole spectrum of recent Microsoft technologies. The main terms you should know are: Microsoft CRM SDK 1.

Do You Want Your Own Fully Programmable ERP? - Part 1

We are in a transition phase in the Managerial Administration models of any company or Government, because three factors are summing for that:The new powerful business Information Technologies and its more and more smaller costs, like ERP, CRM, BI, etc.,The creativity of the new MBA to generate value and its corresponding engineering - for example, Feedback Control System - in the administrative and managerial fields,Several different layers in the companies in what refers to its managerial and administrative automation levels.

Great Plains Customization - Programming Auto-apply in Accounts Receivable

Microsoft Great Plains is one of three Microsoft Business Solutions mid-market ERP products: Great Plains, Solomon, Navision. Considering that Great Plains is now very good candidate for integration with POS application, such as Microsoft Retail Management System or RMS and Client Relation Systems, such as Microsoft CRM - there is common need in Great Plains customizations and integrations, especially on the level of MS SQL Server transact SQL queries and stored procedures.

Microsoft RMS Customization - PO Items Receiving in Great Plains

Microsoft Retail Management (RMS) and Microsoft Great Plains are retail and accounting/ERP solutions coming from the same Microsoft subdivision - Microsoft Business Solutions. There is often common need to do integration between the two.

Microsoft CRM or Siebel

Siebel is traditional CRM market leader, however and mostly due to recession 200-2003, Siebel lost sizable portion of CRM market to new tiger, such as Microsoft CRM. Microsoft CRM s recent (2001) CRM answer from Microsoft and attempt top get market share from traditional vendors: Siebel, Oracle, Onyx.

Need of Document Management System (DMS)

Document Management or Enterprise Information Management is perhaps one of the most important of the enterprise solutions that will provide a solution to the various requirements of SOX. Several sections of SOX have a direct bearing on the manner in which the digital documents/records of the enterprise are created, reviewed, approved, stored, retrieved, transferred, and destroyed.

Microsoft CRM Customization - Programming Closed Email Activity

Microsoft CRM is CRM answer from Microsoft and attempt to get market share from Siebel, Oracle and others traditional Client Relationship Management System vendors. Microsoft CRM uses all the spectrum of Microsoft recent technologies: .

Easy Guide to RAID Recovery

What is RAID RECOVERY?RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. It is a method of combining several hard drives into one unit.

Microsoft Navision Integration with Microsoft RMS - Overview for IT Specialist

Microsoft Business Solutions Navision serves both European and American megamarkets. It was originally written by Denmark-based Navision Software in its own proprietary language C/SIDE (Client/Server Integrated Development Environment).

Microsoft CRM Customization: Integration with Third Party SQL Application/Database

Microsoft CRM - Client Relationship Management package from Microsoft Business Solutions was initially designed to be customizable with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net and one of its programming languages - C#.

OLAP, An Alternative Technology Over Spreadsheets

Are Spreadsheets Robbing your Enterprise of Competitive Advantage?'90% of "average" companies are not confident that their forecasts and reports are accurate and reliable'In a recent study, 81% of FD's cited that their highest priority is the accuracy of revenue and earnings forecasts while 63% complained of inadequate budgeting and forecasting systems .The modern FD is coming under increasing pressure from all sides to produce more robust, meaningful and accurate financial information.

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Five reasons that ISVs need a payments solution  Electronic Payments International

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