Software Information

Software Information

Groupware and Online Collaboration: Collaboration Series #4

This article is the fourth of a series of articles exploring specific aspects of groupware. The brief informational articles in this series discuss some of the technologies associated with groupware, as well as some of the characteristics of groupware.

Fast Car Knoppix

Small can be beautiful! Working with Knoppix for the past two years has been a joy. Two terms to describe this distribution, simple, elegance.

Linux Dual Boot-How To Format

Just the thought of a duel-boot scares many people away, but over the years it's developed into an easier process. Most people are running Windows, so I'm assuming it's your choice of preference:1.

Linux - Keyboard Or Mouse

Just stress testing one of the latest Linux distributions. Been testing it for about two months.

The Religion And Philosophy Of Small Internet Business

I have always had a tendency to focus on the positive. We, all of us, know the negative details in society and governments.

Think Of This

Think of this, first we had the HAM Radio, then the bbs and now the Internet. Linux and the various other x systems are the next evolutionary step toward enhancing Global 2-way communications.

Microsoft CRM for Large Corporation - Security

Microsoft Business Solutions CRM proved to be reliable solution in the whole spectrum of industries and market niches: transportation & logistics, education, recruiting & placement, supply chain management, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, aerospace & defense, manufacturing, wholesale & retail. When corporation is looking into CRM application to choose from - one of the fist questions is security.

Exactly What Does FTP Stand for and What Can it do for Me?

FTP stands for "file transfer protocol". FTP is basically a way of sending files over the Internet.

My Experience - Making a Vision into Reality

Disclaimer: All the thoughts expressed are my views only! Your perception might differ..

Microsoft Great Plains & CRM in Transportation & Logistics - Overview

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains and MS CRM (client relation management system) are very popular in various industries and market niches. In previous article we described Microsoft Great Plains implementation for transportation & logistics company.

Did You Ever Want to Completely Erase Everything on Your Computer?

Did you ever want to erase everything on your computer? This is a program I found that does that for you quickly and easily.Active@ KillDisk is a hard drive eraser and is powerful and compact DOS software that allows you to destroy all data on hard and floppy drives completely, excluding any possibility of future recovery of deleted files and folders.

Online PowerPoint Presentation - Convert PowerPoint to Flash

Although we don't know whether Microsoft ever envisioned such a big market about PowerPoint on its first release. Today this software is impacting profoundly on education and corporation's activities in the way that nobody could ignore.

The Hidden Power of Online Manual

Writing software manuals is boring, isn't it? We often think: "My software is easy to use. The user interface is intuitive.

Microsoft CRM for Corporate Business - Working Offline

If your company has regional and worldwide operations, you might already realized that it is very hard to get decent internet connection in your remote locations. In this small article we will try to give you highlights on how to implement Microsoft Business Solutions CRM for worldwide operations with restricted internet connection.

Microsoft CRM USA Nationwide Remote Support

Remember old good days when your company probably had Great Plains Dynamics? If you are in San Francisco Bay Area - you had local Great Plains Software partner consulting company, who served you basically coming onsite and charging you four hours minimum, even if the problem deserved 5-min fix? This was at the end of 20th century and remote support technologies were not very advanced - Citrix was making good progress and taking market over from Symantec PCAnywhere. Today, when Microsoft Terminal Server and Citrix are remote support standards and IT department uses them to host application server for nation-wide and world-wide users, you should probably be thinking of getting remote support for your ERP and CRM systems.

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