Software Information

Software Information

OS 101: Suggestions for Choosing an Operating System

An operating system (abbreviated OS) is essentially the path through which a computer accesses files, games, the Internet, and all vital stored information. The OS is the most important program on a computer because it runs all of the other programs.

Spyware Definitions List

The adware and spyware definitions list is very long. But the definitions listed below are the most common ones.

Microsoft eCommerce Web-development: Great Plains eConnect .Net - Highlights for Programmer

In our small article we'll consider Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains Sales Order Processing module as eCommerce backend. Plus we'll cover what is possible and impossible in eConnect and why.

5 Mac Security Tips You Can't Live Without

So, you've bought a new Macintosh, and now you may be wondering how to make it safer. There are several things that you can do which will protect your Mac from viruses and hackers.

15 Questions to Ask Your Software Vendor

When making a decision to buy any piece of software there are a number of criteria typically evaluated. One of the most important elements in the decision process is the strength of the company that builds the software.

Screenplay and Script Writing Software

When it comes to screenplay software each screenwriter needs to determine what they need from the program they purchase and pick one that fits their specific needs. Screenwriting software doesn't write the screenplay for you.

Rapid Application Development - Is it Really a Need of Today?

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a software development methodology. In this competitive world, software product delivery time should be as little as it can be.

IT Strategy for Midsize Business: Microsoft vs. Java, Great Plains & CRM

Midsize business or non-profit organization should decide if one-vendor solution would be appropriate and the associated risk acceptable. In our opinion, balancing the risk of one-vendor-approach is not economically feasible and should be avoided.

Ukraine IT Myths Dispersed

While Ukraine is becoming a new popular IT outsourcing destination, there are still many myths about it and no clear understanding of the opportunities outsourcing to Ukraine can present. Let us look closely at some of those myths and find out whether there is any truth behind them.

Microsoft Great Plains Integration Manager: Using Continuum - Overview for Developer

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains has I'd say end user integration tool - Great Plains Integration manager. Integration Manager itself uses OLE functionality to validate text or ODBC integration files data through Great Plains forms behind the scenes.

MultiNational Corporation ERP Implementation - Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains

If you look back to the history, you will see that ERP for large publicly traded company had to be built upon very reliable hardware (more likely non-Intel hardware: mainframe, Sun sparc, etc.), powerful database platform: Oracle, DB2, Ingress, Sybase and reliable OS: UNIX.

Seven Reasons Why a Hosted Inventory Management Solution Might Be Right For Your Organization

Upgrading. Downtime.

COSMIC: A Small Improvement on the Symons Method

The COSMIC FP (function point) software quality metric, is no longer 'proposed' but an actual system in use and internationally recognised, whereas MarkII, like other older systems, is not recognised anywhere, and, even in the UK is in decline if not actually dormant, so this debate is already over.Historically, from my limited understanding of the situation, it seems that originally there were upwards of 35 variants of function point style metrics until the ISO developed criteria for a acceptable solution, ISO 14143: Parts 1 to 5 (1995-2002):The COSMIC group reviewed existing functional size measurement methods, namely the work done in the late 80's by Charles Symons in the UK.

A Symons Mark II Function Point Counting Example

I provide, here clear explanations and a count of function points, using the Symons Mark II method.We start by identifying the subprocesses (entry, exit, read, write) for each functional process; The size of a functional process is the sum of its data movements (entry, exit, read, write) and the size of a piece of software is the sum of the sizes of all of its functional processes.

The Software 2005 Conference - A Review

The Software 2005 conference is now a wrap. This conference, presented by M.

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