Traffic Building Information

Maximum Exposure: Ten Ways To Effectively Increase Your Sites Prominence On The Web

It's a strange world, this place we call the internet. Many things here are stark opposites of their real life counterparts. Take for example the following. Whereas blind dating is a most dubious manner of meeting people in real life, it is the norm in cyberspace. Whereas multi-level marketing carries with it a stigma of disaster in the actual world, it is a venture very much sought on the web. And whereas traffic tends to irritate us in our daily existence, online denizens would kill to increase the same for their websites.

Traffic, or the volume of users who visit your site, is what ultimately dictates the success or failure of your enterprise. You may have the best looking site on the planet, offering the most beneficial package for would-be customers, but if no one gets to visit it, all would have been for naught.

Thus, generating traffic for your online business should be of utmost importance. Here are some proven ways in increasing the quantity of users who would visit your site.

1. Use Overture. Overture is a Yahoo subsidiary that offers a very useful keyword suggestion tool that could help you come up with the right keywords. Using the right keywords would rake in more visitors for your site. Simply punch in the words that are related to your products or services, and see how many searches were made for those particular entries. The more searches there are, the more you should consider using those keywords in your site.

2. Submit your site to the many search engines on the web. People who are looking for particular information use search engines to determine their destination. You would want to have your website shown once a search is made.

3. Know the value of keywords. Search engine spiders are sent to fetch the keywords embedded in your site, so it would serve you well if your pages are populated with the right keywords you've acquired from Overture.

4. Provide quality content. Populating your site with keywords would be useless if done carelessly. Your visitors would be looking for information, and it would be best to give them that. Otherwise, they'll just leave as quickly as they came. Remember, you want quality visitors, those who have the highest possibility of purchasing what you have to offer. You have to provide good, informative content for them so that they'll stay. Try to publish articles or special reports on your site, where your keywords are strategically positioned in the body of your content at a density level of at least 2% (2 mentions of the keywords per 100 words of the body).

5. Consider setting up multiple sites. It has recently been discovered that the number of sites linked to yours influence your search engine ranking. By setting up multiple sites under different domains, and linking them together to form a congruent whole, you will be able to climb up the search engine ladder.

6. Link exchanges. You may also exchange links and/or banners with webmasters who operate a site that is related to yours. This would increase the possibility of cross-jumping visitors who would get exposed to your site and the products or services you offer.

7. Promote in online communities. Join forums, mailing lists, discussion boards and similar gatherings of people online. Most of them would start threads asking for help. Aid them with your field of expertise. Establish connections, and then invite them over to your site. Often, some of these mediums allow you to have a signature where you could put a link to your page, and this would most certainly bring in some visitors as well.

8. Create your own means of inviting past guests to visit your site again. You could build your own mailing list to keep in touch with them and offer some promos from time to time. Or you could incorporate a forum in your website to provide for a venue for your visitors to come together and discuss certain topics. This would simulate the semblance of a community they could call their own, and they would keep visiting your site to join in the discussions.

9. Constantly change your content. Not only will this method win the favor of search engines, this would also increase the possibility of attracting visitors you once lost.

10. Use Adword. Adword is a pay-per-click service that requires you to pay Googles in exchange for a prominent display of your website's link whenever a search is made that is related to your keywords.

At the early stages of your site's existence, traffic may come slow. But do not be discouraged into resignation. With the techniques shared in this article, you would increase the flow of visitors in due time, resulting in a high level of activity for your online venture. And with a prosperous site naturally comes a prosperous business.

© 2005 Gunnar Berglund

Gunnar Berglund has been a "internet- hardworker" for the last five years He publishes The meonit Gazette http://gazette.meonit.comand run and



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