Email Marketing Information

4 Effective Ways To Use Autoresponders To Increase Your Sales

An autoresponder is a very powerful tool for any online business.Basically, an autoresponder is used to ease your tasks.Automation is critical when running an online business. Henceyou won't need to do the tiring and boring manual tasks if youautomate your business.

An autoresponder simply sends backs a precomposed message to therecipient who requested information from it by sending an emailto this autoresponder address.

But autoresponders can be used for far more advanced tasks toincrease your sales for instance.

1. Use your autoresponder to publish an ezine

A nice function available in most autoresponders nowadays is thebroadcast feature.

Every person who requests more information from your autorespondereg to subscribe is automatically added to your autoresponderdatabase. Hence you will be able to use the broadcast feature topublish your ezine and your subscribers in your database willreceive your newsletter automatically.

This is a low cost way to create mailing lists that your visitorscan subscribe to including your own ezine that you can use toeffectively market your products.

Concentrate on making your ezine a source of valuable informationfor your subscribers and you'll be able to create an ezine thatyour subscribers look forward to reading and that increases yoursales.

2. Use your autoresponder to deliver an email course

A very simple but yet powerful method of increasing your sales isto create an email course that contains valuable information.

For eg if you are creating an email course about Internet marketing,you can write an article that lists 7 Internet marketing methods.

Method 1 - Search Engines

Method 2 - Ezine Advertising

Method 3 - Joint ventures

Method 4 - Opt In Email

Method 5 - Affiliate Programs

Method 6 - Article Writing

Method 7 - Link Partnerships

Then put every marketing method in your autoresponder on a 7-daycycle. Hence every person who requests this course will receiveeach lesson for a period of 7 days.

In each method, try to find products, be it affiliate products oryour own products that are related to this marketing techniqueand include a link.

For example if you own an ebook on how to write articles to promoteyour business, you can include a link to that product in method 6.

3. Use your autoresponder to provide a report

Reports can be articles that you can easily deliver via anautoresponder. If you have an article called "7 Powerful InternetMarketing Tactics To Promote Your Online Business", you can easilyuse it as a report.

Include the links to the products to complement each method.

4. Use your autoresponder to promote your articles

Autoresponders are very effective ways to promote your articlesalong with your website.

You can make your articles on your site or in the emails that yousend to ezine editors to consider your recent article forpublication available by autoresponder. You can say something like.

All my other articles available for reprint at

Make your articles available by autoresponder along with yourpublishing guidelines. If you've written lots of articles, make amaster list of your articles available by autoresponder that listsall of your articles along with their autoresponder addresses.

This can provide you with a terrific way to get your articlespublished on a regular basis by ezine publishers and webmasterswho enjoy your writing.

Autoresponders should form part of your Internet business. Withoutthem, your business will suffer.

Consider an autoresponder as your own 24hr marketing machine.

This article can be freely published on a website as long asit's not modified in any way including the author bylines,plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is the webmaster ofEmail Autoresponder which provides autoresponder review,article and courses to boost your marketing efforts.

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