Email Marketing Information

14 Ways To Persuade Your Web Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Address

1. Ask visitors to subscribe to your e-zine. It's a good idea to also give them a freebie when they subscribe.

2. Have them sign-up to get access to download a free ebook. The subject of the ebook should be related to your target audience.

3. Give your visitors a free membership inside your member's only web site. Have them sign-up to receive a user name and password.

4. Hold a free contest or sweepstakes at your web site. Ask them to give you their contact information to enter.

5. Offer your visitors free consulting via e-mail. Have them fill out a web form to e-mail you with their questions.

6. Hold an interactive poll on your web site. Ask your visitors to e-mail you their vote or opinion.

7. Ask your visitors to sign-up for a chance to get a web site award. Have them e-mail you their contact and web site information.

8. Have visitors fill out a survey on your web site. Give them a free gift as an incentive to complete the form.

9. Offer a free online service from your web site. Have visitors fill out their contact information to sign-up to the free service.

10. Ask visitors to sign your guest book. Tell them they will get a free gift in return.

11. Offer a free affiliate program for your visitors. They will have to sign-up in order to receive marketing materials and commissions.

12. Allow visitors to submit a free classified ad on your web site. Require them to give a valid e-mail address in order to post an ad.

13. Give people who visit your web site a free course sent via autoresponder. Just ask them to fill out their contact information to receive the free course.

14. Offer your visitors free software to download. Have them sign-up to get an access code to unlock the software.

Dan Farrell is the webmaster of You can findother high quality articles here and subscribe to his newsletter for free. Dan has been in the web trenches for many years and is sharing his knowledge and experiences.


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