Email Marketing Information

Email Marketing 101 - What You Must Know Before Starting an Email Marketing Campaign

Before you start an e-mail marketing campaign it is important for you to know what e-mail marketing is, the benefits of e-mail marketing, and whether or not e-mail marketing is right for your business. Once you are educated on the finer points of an e-mail marketing campaign, you will be poised to either learn more and get your campaign going or else find another means of marketing your products.

What is E-mail Marketing?

E-mail marketing is a way by which you promote your business and services to individuals by e-mail. Frequently, people opt-in to receive these types of e-mails so you are not spamming people with unwanted mail. In these e-mails you will provide information on your business and service and information for individuals to contact you if interested in these advertised services. This is a great way to reach many individuals quickly and is very cost effective.

Now that you know what e-mail marketing is you need to learn about the benefits of an e-mail marketing campaign.

Benefits of E-mail Marketing

There are many benefits of e-mail marketing simply because the majority of people check their e-mail every day, if not multiple times per day. This means you have the opportunity to reach people almost immediately. Also, e-mail marketing is a billion dollar business so it certainly has a track record of being effective.

Other benefits of an e-mail marketing campaign includes saving a significant amount of time and money. An e-mail campaign can be started and completed in the matter of hours and then sent out immediately. The traditional method meant designing and printing advertising materials, stuffing and addressing envelopes, and finally mailing them. This included a lot of additional work and time, not to mention money.

You will also see your sales increase with this type of marketing campaign and generally you will receive a response rate of 5-15% with this type of campaign.

Now that you are aware of the benefits, is an e-mail marketing campaign for you?

To decide whether this type of campaign is for you or not you need to ask yourself some questions.

Question #1

What are your goals and how will you achieve them? You need to know what your goals are and what you are trying to achieve from a marketing campaign before you can decide what type of campaign will best benefit you.

Question #2

What resources do you have available to devote to this campaign?You want to make sure that you have enough time to properly plan and carry out an e-mail campaign, not to mention the money and other skills it will take to create a successful campaign.

Question #3

Are your prepared to handle an onslaught of orders and questions? When you send out an e-mail for products or services, you need to be prepared to handle a lot of orders short amount of time, not to mention many questions. Be sure you are prepared before you start this type of campaign.

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