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How Email Etiquette Will Make You More Money through Loyal, Repeat Customers

When it comes to gaining and keeping customers, every website is interested in doing everything they possibly can to make this happen. Fortunately, something as easy as e-mail etiquette can make your customers feel appreciated and as a result become loyal and repeat customers. However, there are some tips that you will need to follow in order to implement etiquette into your e-mails and make it work for you. Read the following suggestions and implement them in your e-mail campaign immediately.

1. Only Mail to Those Who Opted In (and let them know they did)

One major thing you need to incorporate into your e-mail campaign that will keep your customers happy and loyal is to only send e-mails to those individuals who have opted in. For example, when the customer checked out there was a box checked that said they wanted to receive further e-mails from your company. Some people uncheck this box, others don't ever see it, and some actually do check it. So, when you send e-mails to the individuals that checked the box or left it checked unknowingly, make sure you add in your e-mail that they opted in to the e-mail list.

2. Unsubscribe

Always include information in the e-mail for individuals to unsubscribe from your e-mail list if they so choose. This does not mean they are not loyal customers or will not continue to be, but that they already have enough e-mail cluttering their inbox and don't want anymore. If you respect their request to unsubscribe they will remain truer and more loyal than if you keep filling their inbox with unwanted messages that they delete without reading anyway.

3. Never Sell E-Mail Addresses

Respect your customers and keep them loyal by never, ever selling their e-mail addresses. Also, inform them that you will not do so in order for them to feel secure in providing you with their address.

4. Make it Short and to the Point

When you do send e-mails to customers make sure the point of the e-mail is addressed in the subject line as well as immediately in the opening paragraph. You do not want to waste people's time with an e-mail that they are not interested in. Also, keep it short and to the point so they will not have to read much to figure out whether they are interested or not.

5. Be Polite and Watch That Grammar

Of course, with any type of business writing, you should always be very polite and have excellent grammar. There are few things that put people off like misspelled words and poor grammar in business e-mails. It will send the signal you are not a serious company, which is the last signal you want to send.

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