Customer Service Information

Customer Service Information

How To Handle Customer Billing Snafus

Q: I just discovered that for the past six months I have been billing a client half of what I should have been. Should I just include the total of the past due balance on his next bill or contact him first to let him know that it's coming? This client has been difficult in the past, so I'd rather not deal with him until I absolutely have to.

Do You Want More Profits? - Follow The Golden Rules Of Providing Good Customer Service

Last night I was at my computer and a Skype chat window opened up with a link in it from a stranger. I clicked the link and was taken to one of those "You would have to be crazy to pass up this business opportunity" sites.

One of the Secrets of a Great Customer Experience

A few weeks ago we conducted our annual "Customer Experience Study Tour" in London England. This is where we take delegates to visit a number of leading Customer Experience companies for a behind-the-scenes look at how they approach the task of building a great Customer Experience.

Are You A Coward? I Was

Over the last month, I have come to hate emails and answerphones; not because I get 100 emails every day but because emails and answerphones are fast becoming the tool of the coward. At Beyond Philosophy we worked with a client a while ago whose account managers and sales teams never used to speak to anyone! They just used to send emails.

Customer No Service - How to Lose a Loyal Customer!

So today was the day where I almost stopped going to my favorite supermarket here in Milwaukee. If you're in Milwaukee, you know the one I'm talking about: the cool one downtown that has 1000 different types of produce, and a whole aisle dedicated to gourmet coffee and teas.

Your Career Plan--Think Like A CEO

You've been going 6-to-late; exhausted by running the supersonic treadmill of life and wish you had a different job. But you can't because you have no time and you're left spent at the end of every day.

Cheap To Keep

You've heard it all before when it comes to stats about customer retention. Acquiring a customer costs five to 10 times more than retaining one.

What You Need to Know About CRM

1. It's all about the customer.

Customer Feedback: Everyone has an Opinion - USE IT!

Have you ever been in a department store and known exactly what you were looking for but couldn't locate any staff to help you find it? Think of your website as your very own department store, and your contact numbers, email addresses, and FAQ's navigational buttons as your staff. Without these handy interaction tools, your purchaser will get frustrated and E-shop somewhere else.

4 Tips Toward Overcoming Bad Customer Service

Customer service is the pits, you say. You are not alone.

And The Difference is... Attitude

I returned a rental car at an airport yesterday. As the person who was going to check me in approached, he smiled (which shocked me) and said, "Hello Mr.

Adjustment DENIED

It's just a simple thing - I bought a new set of shelves for my office. It wasn't a real problem, but when I got the shelves home, I found dents on the front of the shelves where the package had been leaned up on some other object, the shelves had been removed from the original box and put into another box.

Automating Your Help Desk Workflow

Do you know you can open, answer, close and report help desk information without human intervention?Automation is a powerful feature provided by most enterprise level help desk products; however, most organizations rarely take advantage of these features. Based on a survey conducted by RightStar Systems, only 5% of the help desk managers interviewed were using automation to its fullest capacity.

Add Value - And Kill Mediocrity in Customer Service

There are two kinds of customer service we all experience occasionally, outstanding customer service, and bad customer service. What we experience most of the time is mediocre customer service.

The Drawback of Hacking Off a Blogger Through Weak Process Gaps and Pathetic Customer Service

With all of the recent data theft in the financial sector, it is important to make sure that we don't go crazy trying to protect ourselves from risk. Risk management does have a value but this value lies mostly on the front end.

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311 Customer Service Center  City and County of San Francisco

Help  Department of Taxation and Finance

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)  New York State Department of Health

Contact Us About Your Bill

Customer Service Center

Customer Service & Support  Hillsborough County (.gov)

3 Ways To Quickly Make $50  GOBankingRates

Welcome to Riverside Public Utilities  City of Riverside (.gov)

Celebrate Customer Service Week  City of Riverside (.gov)

Lifeline Support for Affordable Communications  Federal Communications Commission

Department of Transportation  Governor Tom Wolf

Launch of New Districtwide Customer Service Platform  The School District of Philadelphia

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