Email Marketing Information

Email Marketing Information

Signature File Dos and Donts

Signature files have been around since, well, before most current Netizens were even aware that e-mail existed. Most will use their signature file as a quick identifier of who they are and what they do and provide a link to their Web site while those online for personal use will serve up witty, clever and many times interesting quotes.

unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses!

5 unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses!(c) Copyright S. Kumar 2004http://www.

Realtors - Is Your Newsletter Increasing Sales?

If you are a REALTOR focused on residential sales who distributes a monthly email newsletter, ask yourself: "Is my distribution list growing?" And more importantly, "Is my newsletter accomplishing what I wish it to?"You already recognize that an email newsletter is an effective marketing tool to help to increase sales. Regular communication with clients and prospects is essential to increase your revenues over time.

Is Your E-Address Unprofessional?

How much time did you spend on deciding on the appearance of your business cards? Or your letterhead? Why was it so important to get them just right?Were you trying to present a professional image?Now, how much time did you spend on the appearance of your email address? Did you give it the slightest thought? Judging by the emails I get from countless colleagues in this business, few do.There are two parts to an e-address, just as there are to your postal address: who you are, and where you are.

Learn The Five Key Steps To Getting Free Publicity For Your Internet Site and Products

1) Website FocusMake sure your site is focused on a specific category of products. I cannot stress this enough.

Explode Your Sales By Building Your Own Opt-In List!

-------------------------------------------------Top 10 Ways to Quickly Build Your List-------------------------------------------------Have you ever wondered how many times you haveheard this comment/suggestion/mantra from the gurus:"YOU HAVE TO BUILD YOUR OWN LIST"If you are trying to market on the internet;probably,too many times for you to count.Unfortunately, it's also true - the real successfulmarketers build a loyal and faithful list of subscribers.

Three Phases to Email Sensitivity

The neurophysiological dynamics of understanding each emailmessage are very complex. From that complexity, three basicphases float to the top that you will want to becomefamiliar with.

Consumer Thinking and Email

In an article based on research done by emaillabs, MarketingSherpa reports that on average, readers spend between 15-20 seconds reading email they chose to open.The article also reports, readers span about 50 words, fewer if there are graphics to view.

Using Emotional Triggers in Ad Writing

Writing ads for either your own products or affiliate products is a large part of a marketing plan. You need to find the emotional "triggers" that will excite your prospects and get them to buy.

Build Your Opt-In List Today

There are many services available to help your with building a opt-in list. I am going to show your how to start building your opt-in list starting today right now this very minute.

Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated -- Email Marketing

Recently, there has been a lot written about email and its (impending) death. From what you read on forum boards and in newsletters from well-known internet marketers, email marketing is dead.

Email Builds Brands

Email - today's preferred business communication tool - provides you a simple, powerful, affordable way to develop, manage and maintain relationships as well as sell products and services. Let's briefly examine how permission-based email marketing positively affects:* Brand Awareness* Market Intelligence* Web Traffic* Prospect Leads* LoyaltyBuild Brand Awareness.

Kick-Starting E-mail Profits Growth From One Single Shot!

Perhaps the most critical step in guaranteeing the successof your e-mail promotions is to send your messages to atargeted list of opt-in subscribers who have specificallyrequested to receive information on a particular topic fromyou. That's your "in-house" email list.

Internet Tip of the Week: Seven Rules of Email

Now there is no law that says you have to follow these rules, but if you are in business on the Web, you should definitely pay attention.Rule #1 - Turn off your CAPS LOCK - Some people seem to feel that if they write their E-mail in ALL CAPS it will be more effective.

Internet Tip of the Week: Mistakes Count Against You

Before the advent of email most of us, other than sending out cards for special occasions, would write very few letters. If we did write a letter, it was carefully prepared, and considerable thought went into it.

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