Email Marketing Information

Email Marketing Information

Email Marketing - The End Is Nigh!

Consider if you will the resources, the time and the financial investment given to attracting new web traffic. Banner advertising, link exchanges, search engine ratings, affiliate schemes and the list goes on.

Avoiding Blacklisting: Making Sure Your Email Gets Through

We all know that email is probably today's most popular way to advertise. Every day our inboxes are filled with messages from people who want our business--whether we asked for the contact or not.

Let The Email Wars Begin

Things just got a lot hotter in the hyper-competitive world of online email providers.In response to Google's announcement that their soon-to-be-launched "Gmail" service will offer users 1 gigabyte of email storage, Yahoo! announced an upgrade of their free email service to allow users 100MB of free email storage along with other enhancements.

Is the IronPort Whitelist Actually An Extortion Tactic?

It appears that Mr. Gates' prophetic prediction that charging marketers to send email across the Microsoft email networks (MSN and Hotmail) to cut down on Sp*m is about to come true.

Is Your Email Address Blacklisted?

A lady emailed me yesterday very upset over the fact that her friend's Internet Service Provider (ISP) wasn't delivering important email messages.This lack of delivery caused a real problem for the two of them with ruined plans, missed appointments, and just plain inconvenience.

Email and Newsgroup Etiquette

Email EtiquetteIn order to effeciently communicate on the Internet it is critical to understand the unwritten rules of email communication. Please use these tips as a guideline to online email communication.

Six Easy White-Listing Ways... Stop Losing Important Emails!

Are you dead sure about receiving of all the important emails that is sent to you?"The chances are that you are among the 42% of the people who ARE NOT receiving the genuine emails and newsletters that you requested for".Why this is so?Increasingly, ISPs are using filtering systems to try and keep S/p/a/m out of customers' inboxes.

Autoresponders, Which Autoresponder Is Right For Your Business?

An autoresponder is a software program that automatically sends a prewritten reply to anyone who uses your autoresponder address. It works 24/7 everyday of the year.

Email Communication

Gartner estimates that half of the 5.5 trillion emails sent in 2001 was business related.

Autoresponders An Important Part Of Internet Marketing?

Setting up and using email autoresponders on your site is an easy way to make repeated contact with your visitors. Studies have shown that more than 60% of a site's visitors who eventually end up buying a product or service don't do it on their first visit.

5 Quick Tips to Get Your Ezine Rolling in the Right Direction

Publishing your own ezine is critical to establishing a long term and successful Internet presence for you and your business.Your own ezine will allow you to build customer loyalty and your public image to your target audience.

Using A Simple Idea to Target Your Audience

A wonderfully easy and free concept that many people seem to overlook during their online marketing career is the survey. If you are looking for programs to promote or ideas for articles, you really need not look much further than your own opt in list.

How to Laser Your Email Messages

If you're in business and use email, you've likely learned to KISS (keep it short & simple). However many people still think that writing an email should be like writing a letter to Aunt Sally.

The Opt-In Secret

Everyone knows that in order to be successful online you need build a large (quality) list through some type of Opt-In offer.You see them now on virtually every site you visit on the internet, some type of form, whether from a pop-up window or directly on the site itself, that is asking for your name and email address in exchange for some type of offer (newsletter, e-course, free chapter etc.

How To Avoid Having Filters Eat Your Emails

You've probably read 1000 times that "the money's in the list." If you're an Internet or email marketer, that's only partly true.

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