Email Marketing Information

Email Marketing Information

Build Credibility With an Email Course

When you are an expert, you sometimes forget that others don't know as much as you do. Not only do you understand your topic at a higher level, but you also know what's important for a novice to know.

How Effective is Your Email? How Can You Tell?

Is your email getting to your list members? If so, how many of them are opening your message? If the email isn't getting through, how many of your messages are "undeliverable" because of a bad email address? And how do you find out what these numbers are? In order to test the effectiveness of an email campaign, you need to use html email. Although I have fought against it for several years, I consented to use it this one time in order to do the necessary tracking.

Could This Be The End of Sp^am?

The war on sp^am has so far been waged on two fronts:legislation to make sp^am illegal and filters that prevent sp^amreaching its destination.But neither approach has worked.

How To Use a Message Sequence to Increase Your Sales

If there's one thing I've learnt in over 3 years ofweb marketing, it is this: you *must* follow up withyour visitors.The statistics are very clear about this: the 1stcontact produces 2% of sales, the 5th to12th contactsproduce 80% of sales.

11 Extraordinary Ways To Expand Your Subscriber List

Here are 11 ways to expand your subscriber list: 1. Use a conversational writing tone.

Whats on YOUR Subscriber Thank-You Page?

When I coach my clients on how to get more business from their e-zines, I'm delighted to see that they spend time on creating content that builds a relationship with their readers. But I see many of these publishers overlooking the very beginning of their valuable relationship with their subscribers.

5 Things You NEED to Know About Your AOL 9.0 Subscribers

In Fall 2003, America Online (AOL) released its brand new AOL Version 9. (Have you noticed all the TV ads?) AOL estimates that up to 50% of their users were using the new version by the end of December 2003.

Save Time By Creating Email Signature Templates

If you're like me, there are certain types of email that you send out regularly that follow a set form (client follow up notes, meeting notes, email article submission, etc). These can be irritating to have to recreate from scratch every time, but the tried and true method of creating a seperate document-file template, then sending that out as an attachment, may not always be appropriate.

How to Do an E-mail Interview in 9 Easy Steps

Need a fresh idea for your e-zine content? Do an interview! One of the many benefits of being an e-zine publisher is that you'll have no trouble finding experts who will take a few minutes to talk with you. People love free publicity and are generally delighted to get in front of your readers.

How To Set Up an Ezine Encyclopedia

Do you read all your Ezines? Or do you file them away in special folders and then forget about them?I used to be like that.When I first started subscribing to ezines I was amazed at the quantity of valuable information that was available for free.

15 Ways to Manage Your E-Mail More Effectively

? Are you tired of searching for e-mail messages you know are somewhere?? Is your electronic "In Box" full of outdated messages?? Do you frequently get ultimatums from your IS department to "clean up your act?"Love it or hate it - or both! - e-mail is increasingly the primary method for communicating in today's digital world - at work and at home. Research shows that introducing e-mail into a company increases printing by 40%.

Should You Publish a PAID E-zine?

Many of my clients ask me whether they should publish a paid e-zine instead of a free one. My answer is the classic consultant's answer: "It depends.

The Ultimate Self-Promotion Tool Is Right at Your Fingertips: An E-mail Newsletter

If you're looking for low-cost ways to promote your business (and aren't we all?), I hope you've considered publishing an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine." Here are six darn good reasons why you shouldn't wait any longer: An e-zine is the perfect way to STAY IN TOUCH with your clients and prospects on a regular basis.

A Guide To Automated Email Marketing

You've probably heard the expression, 'the money isin the list'. It's become a bit of a cliché - but it'sthe key to successful web marketing.

Why Do Marketers Lie in their Emails?

Coming as I do from a direct response and direct mail background, I'm familiar with the various copy lines used to encourage people to open envelopes. A teaser line.

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